Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip Saying you "just completed" this novel makes it sound like a first draft. You should never sub a first draft. #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Hist Fic I do NOT want: Shakespeare, Henry VIII, Civil War, Greek Gods/Myths. If I think of more, I'll share =] #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Don't forget stakes. Telling me what happens means nothing if there's no driving reason for the MC #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Your bond w/ an agent shouldn't be that you both like Harry Potter. A major part of the book world LOVES Harry Potter #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries For me, personally, diary page format doesn't click. Not engaging enough. However, other agents may disagree? #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Beginning with "Let me take you on a journey" is probably not the best option. Go right into story, not theming #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#TipTuesday: There are better ways to start your #queryletter than a string of rhetorical questions. #querytip
Literary Agent
Dr. Uwe Stender @UweStenderPhD
The first scratch out is just the title of the book, no intro, nothing. The second is a short summary. Then, the query ends. 2/Nothing about the author, no closing (i . e "Sincerely etc). But then an attachment I did not ask for. A total #queryfail #querytip 3/3