Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

Glennon Doyle @GlennonDoyle

Writers: if you are asking another writer to spend hours of our time reading your book and blurbing: spend five of YOUR minutes asking personally. Otherwise it's real bad math.

Most blurbs come from an author/editor/agent/pub contact. Ways to personalize the request/galley mailing:
1) Annotate the cover letter w/ a personal handwritten note.
2) Write a notecard to go with the letter.
3) Email directly.

Marlene Stringer
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, pop culture follower, Opera lover, birder, early am beach walker, knitter, & my best work: Mom of four
103 Tips

Writers, if your word count is so outside the norm for your genre you set yourself up for rejection. #pubtip

Steven Hutson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at WordWise Media Services, member AALA. Check out my blog:
5 AskAgent
70 Tips

Want to succeed in publishing? This is a business, just like any other. Network like crazy (and no I don't mean FB and Twitter). After a while, you'll know who to trust. #pubtip

Steven Hutson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at WordWise Media Services, member AALA. Check out my blog:
5 AskAgent
70 Tips

Don't be defensive and suspicious toward agents and publishers. It's a waste of energy and emotion. Instead, learn what a good deal looks like, and you'll know when the good isn't there. #pubtip

Steven Hutson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at WordWise Media Services, member AALA. Check out my blog:
5 AskAgent
70 Tips

Want to learn how to succeed as an author? Attend a writers' conference at every opportunity. #pubtip

Steven Hutson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at WordWise Media Services, member AALA. Check out my blog:
5 AskAgent
70 Tips

Don't ask "which are the best-selling genres?" before you write your book. Just find your passion, and write your book. #pubtip

Steven Hutson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at WordWise Media Services, member AALA. Check out my blog:
5 AskAgent
70 Tips

Don't give in to the paralysis of analysis. Just write your book! If you're waiting until (you're perfect, you learn more, you gain confidence, etc.), it will never happen. #pubtip

Steven Hutson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at WordWise Media Services, member AALA. Check out my blog:
5 AskAgent
70 Tips

If the muse is whispering in your ear RIGHT NOW,
And the ideas are flowing RIGHT NOW,
Then the time that you should be writing, is RIGHT NOW. #pubtip

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips
Annie Bomke
Literary Agent
Literary agent, pizza lover, dance fiend, park enthusiast, and that's just the beginning. There are no limits to what I can do. (She/her.)
151 MSWL
24 AskAgent
42 Queries
25 Tips

Authors, if there are certain genre keywords the agent you're querying is really into, use them. It makes a huge difference. #pubtip

Kate McKean
Literary Agent
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret
35 AskAgent
115 Tips

Today on Agents & Books! What happens when you have a meeting with an editor!…

#amwriting #amediting #amquerying #writingcommunity #pubtip

Kate McKean
Literary Agent
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret
35 AskAgent
115 Tips
Marlene Stringer
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, pop culture follower, Opera lover, birder, early am beach walker, knitter, & my best work: Mom of four
103 Tips

Writers, if an agent or editor requests pages with your Q, don't make them wait "to see if they like the synopsis & pitch." We usually look at the writing to make up our minds if we want to read. #pubtip #wastedopportunity

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

Although not our most viewed videos, they are the most fun to film. #pubtip listening to agents talk about their recent reads also gives insight into how they look at and for submissions: What We Read in February 2021

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips
Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

Your nonfiction book proposal is an argument. The overview sets up the argument. Every chapter in the TOC makes a sharp case of its own that builds your bigger thesis. The sample chapter shows you can "argue" your case persuasively. #pubtip

BookEnds Literary Agency
Literary Agency
A literary agency repping bestselling, award-winning, & int'l published authors and illustrators for children & adults. Empowering creators to achieve dreams.
53 AskAgent
127 Tips

The Art of Communicating with Literary Agents via @YouTube #pubtip

Martha Mihalick
Children's/YA book editrix, Greenwillow Books, An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. All views my own. (she/her)
1 Tips

Dear authors, while you should write in whatever font or size or spacing is comfortable for you, before you send to your editor, always make sure it is double-spaced, in a standard style font, at 12pt size. #pubtip

Tamela HancockMurray
Literary Agent
Christian wife, mother. Agent at The Steve Laube Agency. I love God, family, life. ACFW Agent of the Year for 2017, finalist for 2019. Member ACFW, AWSA.
28 Tips

Even a high profile self-published book can be an example of a missed opportunity. See the details here from this prolific editor and author @terrywhalin at: #writingtip #pubtip