Literary Agent
Literary Agent
►REMINDER: Twitter pitch party for fiction manuscripts (YA, NA, and A) is on 6/26/2015, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., EST ► #WritePit #amwriting #PubTip
Literary Agent
#querytip: Don't offer an exclusive unless asked for one...and be skeptical of anyone who does ask. Exclusives benefit the agent, not you!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Need comp title help? Two sites for you: What Should I Read Next? and Which Book? #PubTip
Literary Agent
Don't stop with #write what you know, KNOW what you write - Henry McLaughlin @RiverbendSagas #pubtip
Literary Agent
When to Follow Up With Literary Agents While Querying:… #askagent #querytip #querying #writerwednesday
Literary Agent
On Sat May 30 I'll be taking pitches along w/@Mary_C_Moore at the Conference on Creative Writing at Pacific. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
PNWA Summer Conference 60th anniversary! I'll be there taking pitches and on panels: via @PNWA #pubtip #PNWA
Literary Agent
Beside hair color and shoe brand, I care almost zilch about how/when/with what force your character is breathing. #pubtip #baddetails