Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Around twenty percent of submissions are well written. Acceptance or rejection are subjective at that point. #askagent #slushpile
Literary Agency
#pubtip - Make sure to know your genre well before you dive into writing the story. Nuances are really key!
Literary Agent
Did you know there’s a free query workshop going on right now?! #amexcited #querytip #JustPitchIt
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ha! Love THIS! "@the1stdaughter: If you're querying be mindful of your google avatar. Nudes and/or mugshot photos don't look good #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
The first response is up! Hop over to my blog, and see if you'd like to follow or play along. #amediting #querytip
Literary Agent
Debut authors, this is well worth your time: 7 Things I’ve Learned So Far, by Bradley Spinelli #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
W/memoir, I want to see how the past shaped the narrator but don't want a linear telling of the past. #slushpile #amediting #amwriting
Literary Agent
Catching up on #slushpile reading-seems like I've saved all the #nonfiction mss for today. #amreading #amediting
Literary Agency
Querying: Sending Nudges via @ibelieveinstory #querytip
Literary Agency
Exploring Publishing Paths:… via @ElizabethKracht's client @GCalcaterra, a guest post for @pacificu. #pubtip