Literary Agent
PART FIVE of the #JustPitchIt free query workshop is up! #amwriting #querytip #PrizeVault-open
Literary Agent
Client @kellydavio on why writers should work with literary journals: #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
MT @BookEndsJessica: Leave the editing marks/comments on as much as poss so editors, when reviewing, can remember what was asked for #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Never turn down a #querytip! @gemma_cooper is on the blog today:…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
PART FOUR of the free query workshop is now up and reading for comments! #amwriting #querytip #JustPitchIt
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
MT @brooke_warner A good breakdown of traditional publishing's pros & cons from 1st time author @andrea_owen
Literary Agent
Don't forget to do your query workshop homework! #amwriting #JustPitchIt #querytip
Literary Agent
Things that make me happy: finding graphic novel #submissions in the #slushpile.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#pubtip: if querying from a gmail account, make sure your g+ pic displayed isn't of your genitals and flexed thighs #vom #badqeries
Literary Agency
A Synopsis Checklist via @ibelieveinstory #amwriting #querytip