Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Study your craft. #writetip Study queries. #querytip

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

When writing a query letter, always address an agent by name. #querytip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

Most things can't be done alone. Writing and querying is the same. Someone should always read your work and critique it. #querytip #writetip

Elise Capron
Literary Agent
Literary agent of non-fiction (cultural history, science, medicine) & fiction (adult literary). I also help make a podcast: @themjcast . she/her/hers
7 Tips

GET CRITIQUED! @WritersDigest Boot Camp starts Oct 1! #writetip
#pubtip #GetPublished

Jessica Alvarez
Literary Agent
Senior literary agent and Foreign Rights Manager, @BookEndsLit . Former editor. Looking for adult fiction and nonfiction. She/her
135 AskAgent
10 Tips

I want the author to take what I’ve shown them and use it to correct the same mistakes elsewhere. It concerns me if they don’t. #pubtip 2/2

Jessica Alvarez
Literary Agent
Senior literary agent and Foreign Rights Manager, @BookEndsLit . Former editor. Looking for adult fiction and nonfiction. She/her
135 AskAgent
10 Tips

I look for growth after an R&R. If I’ve edited typos & grammar, I want those mistakes fixed in the revised manuscript. #pubtip 1/2

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

So thrilled to be doing another @WritersDigest webinar! Oct 16 "How to get an agent" #pubtip

Dana Newman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent/Attorney (contracts, publishing law), mom, aspiring yogi. @SantaMonicaLibr Board Member. A reader who loves discovering a great story, well told.
39 Tips

Great interview with @HLazare about how a book editor works with authors by @Tudorscribe:… #pubtip

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

Be sure to include the genre in your query letter #querytip

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

You’re only a writer if you write. If you want to be a writer, but not put in the time & effort to write, you’re a fool. #querytip #writetip

Valerie Noble
Literary Agent
Senior Agent @donaghyliterary
36 AskAgent
11 Queries
7 Tips

*sigh* Please double space, please use 12 point font #querytip

Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips
Gordon Warnock
Literary Agent
Founding partner @FuseLiterary representing commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. #VoteLibraries
130 Tips

I'm 100% for the validity of self-publishing, but some of these covers, you guys. Yow. This is why I let someone else fix my car. #pubtip

Tamar Rydzinski
Literary Agent
Literary agent, mom, boggle lover, scared of dogs
15 Tips

Agents aren't amused at this trick, either: Via @nprnews: BP Lawyers Use Old-School Trick; Judge Not Amused #pubtip

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#Querytip Just read the most awesome sub a mystery, made me say OMG! #yesplease Crossing fingers that the story follows query goodness

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip If agent passes on story. Don't take it personally,we can't pick all. Not a good plan to respond to pass with a neg. comment

Jordy Albert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit | Lover of dogs, books, and tea. Total fangirl. #mugiwarapirates #worldpeace
1 AskAgent
341 Queries
24 Tips

#querytip It's always a good idea to research/read books in the genre that you write.

Jordy Albert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit | Lover of dogs, books, and tea. Total fangirl. #mugiwarapirates #worldpeace
1 AskAgent
341 Queries
24 Tips

#querytip for me, an automatic decline would be a query with just a link to website or Amazon.

Jordy Albert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit | Lover of dogs, books, and tea. Total fangirl. #mugiwarapirates #worldpeace
1 AskAgent
341 Queries
24 Tips

#querytip most agencies have a "no attachment" policy. It's always best to check before hitting send.

Jordy Albert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit | Lover of dogs, books, and tea. Total fangirl. #mugiwarapirates #worldpeace
1 AskAgent
341 Queries
24 Tips

#querytip Please remember to include your name and contact information! I will often get queries from authors with no name.