Literary Agency
Day 7 of 12 Days of Videos: Focus on What You Can Control via @YouTube #writetip #pubtip #querytip #WednesdayWisdom
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Why do some books on Amazon come up first in searches? The algorithm is a black box but we know the number of reviews is a factor. If you’re an author, encourage readers to leave reviews. #pubtip
Literary Agency
Day 6 of 12 Days of Videos. We're halfway there. Today's topic: How to Choose Your Comp Titles via @YouTube #writetip #pubtip #querytip
Literary Agent
An actual human person got a book deal* from reading Agents and Books and she tells you all about here today!
*and not even a client!…
#pubtip #WritingCommunity #amquerying #amwriting
Literary Agency
Day 5 of 12 Days of Videos is a #MondayMotivation: Don't Self Reject! via @YouTube #writetip #pubtip #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Reminders for #amquerying
The synopsis doesn't matter so much as long as you have the main plot points and you spoil the ending.
The query, as long as you try, won't be rejected if it's not perfect. We just want to know the hook and what the book is about.
Literary Agent
NDAs are not so common in book publishing and 99% of instances where I’ve been asked about one did not warrant it. #protip #pubtip #workingwithagents
Literary Agency
Day 4 of the 12 Days of Videos: The Best Format for your Manuscript via @YouTube Make sure you subscribe and turn on post notifications. Don't miss the next 8 days of videos! #querytip #pubtip #writetip
Literary Agency
Day 3 of 12 Days of Videos: When to Start Querying via @YouTube #writetip #querytip #pubtip
Literary Agency
Day 2 of 12 Days of Videos- Thanks to @PizzosPages for the question! On: Managing Multiple Projects via @YouTube #writetip #querytip #pubtip
Literary Agency
Day 1 of 12 Days of Videos: You Did #NaNoWriMo! What's Next? via @YouTube #writetip #querytip #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Reminder for #amquerying writers. It's important to follow submission guidelines. At Prospect we ask for a synopsis & I do actually read them. So if your submission doesn't have one it is rejected. I need to see where your story is going before I can commit to reading #Querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
A Saturday #QueryTip for you all... Romance, Mystery, SFF, whatever! The best place to research query writing is by reading the backs of other books in your genre. You’ll learn different ways to structure, phrase,……