Literary Agent
3) And arguably most importantly, it makes it almost impossible to see market potential in a vague query. Every book needs a good hook—but SFF in particular NEEDS to have something to make it stand apart from every other SFF book on the market.
Literary Agent
2) It ends up being applicable to many, many stories... which is not what you want. You want your query to ONLY apply to your story. Take out the names—is your query tailored and specific enough that if someone read it they would ONLY think of your book?
Literary Agent
Cortney Radocaj 🏳️🌈💖💜💙 @CortneyRadocaj
I want to talk about a trend I’m seeing in my box lately with fantasy queries in particular—Almost all of them are very generic. Very vague. Which makes it incredibly difficult on the agent’s end for several reasons.
1) When the query is very vague, it’s EXTREMELY difficult to get excited about it. There’s nothing to grab onto that’s different and intriguing.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis, literary agent @NaomisLitPix
How to get an agent, and how we find clients!
#amwriting #amquerying #querytip #writetip #WritingCommunity #NaNoWriMo2019 - You can subscribe to our YouTube channel for loads of great tips and content!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Just explained my author:
SELL IN. Books that publishers ship to retailers.
SELL THROUGH. Books purchased by consumers thru retailers. Bookscan tracks 80% of these sales.
SPECIAL SALES. Bulk discounts, back-of-the-room sales, corp orders
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Not sure about other agents, but I LOVE when a query starts with a catchy first line that basically sums up the whole plot. Think of your "what if" question or the pitch you used during #pitmad. The line the NYT bestsellers list would use for your book. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agency
How to Get a #LiteraryAgent (and how we find clients!) #PubTip #QueryTip via @YouTube
Literary Agent
Kate McKean @kate_mckean
BEST BEST BEST: on lists and doubt and writing and doing it…
If you love my #pubtip threads, Kate’s Substack is amazing FYI
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
A great query gets my attention, but a great first few pages is what gets me to start reading the manuscript when I go home that night. #querytip
Literary Agent
Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers. Give your query letter to a friend or family member who knows nothing about your book. If they are confused by the query letter, we will be too.
#Querytip #SlushInsight #amquerying
Literary Agent
How not to query: email with 33 attachments and ask me to email a reply with my submission requirements.
#amquerying #amwriting
Literary Agency
Do You Know The Difference Between Literary, Upmarket and Commercial Fiction?
Knowing how to categorize your work is one of the most important skills a writer needs to know–especially while querying. #pubtip #querytip