Literary Agent
7) A YA that sounds epic and cool in a setting/with characters I've never read about. OK, I'll bite. Requested full! #10queriesin10tweets
Literary Agent
Noticing a trend here in #10queriesin10tweets? It's REALLY NOT that projects suck - they're just not for ME. Somebody else will be smitten!
Literary Agent
6) Good writing, well-published author, but it's historical set in a period I just have NO interest in. Have to pass. #10queriesin10tweets
Literary Agent
5) Person I know and love IRL, who didn't follow sub guidelines (silly goose) - I scolded instead of just deleting. :-) #10queriesin10tweets
Literary Agent
4) Nice picture book, full of whimsy. Another agent would be better for this, though. It's NOT YOU, it's ME - really! #10queriesin10tweets
Literary Agent
3) Gorgeous artwork, creepy and cool. But for a project I have no idea how to sell. Have to pass. #10queriesin10tweets
Literary Agent
2: A mother writing on behalf of her child, who has written a book; wants me to give words of encouragement. #10queriesin10tweets
Literary Agent
1) Author seems lovely, but envisions a 155 book series. Not a typo. WOW! Overwhelming! Afraid I can't get on board. #10queriesin10tweets