Literary Agent
Q1: MG about superheroes. Well-written, but I've gotten a ton of superhero stuff lately, and I rep one already. #pass #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q10: I know it's very popular trope, but honestly: how many super hot guys with a huge, dark secret exist in this world?
Literary Agent
Q9: Query for Jodi Reamer, "Jodi Reamer" is in a completely different font than the rest of the letter; clearly a cut and paste email blast
Literary Agent
and FYI Q8 is exactly the kind of historical NF I'm looking for: new elements of popular historical events that deserve to be known
Literary Agent
Q8: NF historical about one of the most important nights of the Civil War that gets no attention from the mainstream. I'm very intrigued
Literary Agent
Q7: Author made it very clear that he did his research and is querying me for a reason. That's the kind of stuff that gets your work read
Literary Agent
Q6: Adult mystery about missing librarians, 40K words - way too short. 40K is MG territory
Literary Agent
Q5:YA coming of age, author compares herself to John Green. Nice confidence, but you just set the bar CRAZY high. Careful w your comp titles
Literary Agent
Q4: Medical thriller written in the present tense. I love the present tense, but it's hard to pull off. This author doesn't quite have it
Literary Agent
Q3: MG adventure story about hidden Revolutionary War treasure. GREAT premise, but the writing isn't there. Too bad.
Literary Agent
Q3: Horror novel that opened with a creature stalking through the night. How about a horror novel that opens with a character I really like?
Literary Agent
Q2: I'm sure that this is a very good New Adult romance...but I don't know why you sent it to me.
Literary Agent
Q1: Exclamation points everywhere. I would actually have no problem with the exclamation point being made illegal and carry with it jailtime
Literary Agent
Q10: MG fantasy. No introduction or query letter :( Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q9: MG fantasy(?). The query is a little vague; I'm not clear on the premise. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: MG fantasy. The premise isn't for me. Didn't get caught up in the pages. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: Sample pages sent as an attachment :( We don't open attachments unless requested. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: No sample pages :( Please be sure to follow submission guidelines. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: YA sci-fi. The premise seems a bit too familiar. Didn't get caught up in the sample pages. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: MG fantasy. Premise isn't for me. Pass. #tenqueries