Literary Agent
Q116: SciFi. 46k is too short. That's not even a NaNoWriMo victory. Sample is boring. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q115: Urban Fantasy. Already self-pubbed; I don't rep self-pubbed books unless the sales numbers are astronomical. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q114: Epic Fantasy. I quite like this, but it's a series w/previous books at small houses. Asked if she has anything else. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q113: Women's/Satire. Actually very witty. Author says they've had previous rep, so I asked for information on that. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q112: SciFi. Too expository; sample is all telling, no showing. Awkward prologue. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q111: Urban SciFi. X-Men style mutant on the run. The sample is decent, but there's nothing particularly fresh here. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q110: Historical. 50s in South Rhodesia, centered on white colonists. I just... would rather not, tbh. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q109: Fantasy. Be careful with comp titles. If you claim to be "comparable to Neil Gaiman," don't disappoint in prose. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q108: SciFi. Everyone lives by choice in virtual world. Feels extremely derivative. 130k words is way too many. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q107: Literary. Dude coming of age in the 2nd person. Unless you're an absolute genius, don't write in the 2nd person. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q106: Short Story Collection. Not really looking for these w/o an established platform. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q105: SciFi Thriller. Writing sample is just not very good. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q104: Epic Fantasy. Premise is very clichéd. Feels like the author novelized their D&D campaign. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q103: Urban Fantasy. Feels like kind of a conceptual hodgepodge. This market is so crowded you really have to wow me. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q102: Mystery. Nothing grabbing me. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q101: "Literary Myth." Probably don't use THE ODYSSEY as a comp title. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q100: Psychological thriller. Protag's daughter died and he is struggling with it. Not special enough. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q99: Mystery. PitMad request. This one feels right up my alley, but I'm not sold on the first 10pp. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q98: Portal Fantasy Romance. Sample isn't bad, but in time since querying author has self-pubbed. My fault! Pass by default. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q97: Noir mystery. Another PitMad request, you patient saints. Writing sample not doing it for me here. Pass. #millionqueries