Literary Agent
Q77: Literary. Great opening line, but the pages just don't move me. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q76: Literary, international subject. I love the premise a lot, but the writing is just not grabbing me. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q75: Horror. Not feeling it. Violence feels gratuitous. I like subtler, more psychological horror. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q74: M/M Romance. I am unlikely to take on a project of this type unless written by a gay or bi man. Personal thing. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q73: Thriller/possibly also Memoir? The query letter is very strange. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
#CORRECTION: Q7*2*: Sci-Fi. Writing is all telling rather than showing. All exposition throughout the sample. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q71: Historical Fantasy. Query letter is confusing. Writing is not strong enough, imo. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q70: Sci-Fi/Humor. Not my sense of humor. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q69: Post-Apoc Fantasy. Post-Apoc is tough right now. Werewolves aren't my fave. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q68: Fantasy. Feels paint-by-numbers. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q67: Literary. American guy in foreign land gawping at foreigners. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q66: Urban Fantasy again... but about a tough trans sex worker. There you go -- that's a fresh hook. 50pg partial request. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q65: Urban Fantasy. Again not unique enough for a v. crowded market. UF will be a hard sell for the next few years. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q64: New Adult Romance. I'd have to be really wowed to take one of these on. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q63: LGBT Romance set in Japan. Not for me, but writing is sharp -- referred to another agent. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q62: Dieselpunk. Not bad, just not for me. Very much a guy's guy book, which... I'm not. I have to LOVE a book to rep. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q61: Urban Fantasy. Not fresh enough; this market is incredibly crowded right now. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q60: Cozy Mystery/Commercial. Sort of a Peyton Place vibe; I'm not feeling it. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q59: Literary Fantasy. Not for me, but very interesting. Referred to another agent. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q58: Literary. Went back and forth for a bit but just couldn't get into it. Nice pass. #millionqueries