Literary Agent
Q96: Literary. I have no idea what this book is about, apart from 'the woods.' Not super enticed to to figure it out. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q96: SciFi. Query letter is confusing. No sample pages provided. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q95: Thriller. 52k is too short. Writing sample is not compelling. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q94: Thriller. Another PitMad request (I suck). Writing here is strong, but not for me. Totally a taste thing. Nice pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q93: Historical Romance. Captive bride plot, which is a bit hackneyed in this genre. Opens with weather. Not grabbed. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q92: Mystery. This is a PitMad request from a million years ago; I am so sorry. Sample is not strong, unfortunately. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q91: Thriller; terrorist drama. Some new ideas but not different enough to stand out in this busy genre. Nice pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q90: Literary. A straight white "everyman" (query's word) is having Problems. I am bored. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q89: Literary. 120k words is too many words for this genre. Writing is self-consciously tough in a way I find tedious. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q88: Fantasy. 5 paras on the author's history as an SF/F fan before anything on the book. Don't do this. Book is eh. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q87: SciFi. I loved BSG too, friend, but this is not fresh. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q86: Urban Fantasy. International setting, which is a nice hook, but just not strong enough for a very crowded market. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q85: Historical. Male author, first paragraph of query describes female protag 'beset by rape.' No thx. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q84: SciFi. Dystopian setting where man is ruled by machine!!!!!! I've seen this before. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q83: Thriller, religious themes. Feels kind of like a Dan Brown knockoff. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q82: Thriller. Third in a series that's been prev. self-pubbed. I can't do anything w/that unless sales are insane. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q81: SciFi. Protagonist is interesting conceptually, but the writing is just not there. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q80: Fantasy. There's some evocative writing in the sample, but the premise is pedestrian to me. Nothing fresh. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q79: Literary. Race relations in segregation era. Doesn't feel unique enough to stand out among similar books. Nice pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q78: Thriller. Fun concept, intriguing female protagonist, but the writing is just not strong enough. Pass. #millionqueries