Literary Agent
Q37: Epic Fantasy. Stilted, overly expository dialogue littering the sample pages. Build your world orgnically. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q36: Literary. A bit macho for my admittedly more 'feminine' tastes, but the writing is strong. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q35: Contemporary fantasy. Feels very YA to me, so I referred to another agent. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q34: Epic Fantasy. Overwritten. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q33 is a 'novella' in screenplay format? V. strange. I don't offer rep on novellas, anyhow (they come later, after a novel). #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q32: Military/espionage thriller. These have to be really unique to catch my interest. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q31: Literary with a complicated structure that I'm not sure works. Literary is always the most subjective. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q30: Sci-fi. Concept way out there, but in a way that could be fun. Dystopian still sells in adult. 100 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q29: LGBT literary. Clearly a personal subject, but the writing didn't move me. Nice pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q28 is in French, which I cannot read. Nice pass (in English). #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q27: Women's/historical. Not bad, but time travel/past life type stuff has to be really dynamite to grab me. Nice pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q26: Gay romance with a premise I just don't quite get. Gay male voices are not authentic. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q25: Fairytale retelling w/dark twist. Not a fairytale I've seen done before. Visceral writing. 100 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q24: Historical fantasy. Interesting female lead. Not quite sold on the first 10 pages, but curious. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q23: Historical Fantasy. I, um. I don't know, man. It's not badly written but... it just feels kind of racist to me. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q22: YA LGBT contemp. I do not rep YA, but a good query. Nice pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q21: Self-pub without any sales numbers provided. Does not follow sub guidelines. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q20: YA Sci-Fi. I do not rep YA. Pass. #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q19: Memoir without a platform. It says in my bio on the Foreword website that I don't want unsolicited memoir queries. Pass #millionqueries

Literary Agent
Q18: Unclear genre. No word count provided. Writing doesn't move me. Pass. #millionqueries