Literary Agent
YA Mystery. There are so many grammar errors in this query letter that I’m worried the manuscript isn’t polished either. #100Queries

Literary Agent
53. MG Historical. Interesting main character, adventure-filled, and even has a magical twist. Request! So excited! #100Queries

Literary Agent
J. L. Meyer 🐇 @JenniferLMeyer
@MsMariaVicente whT is the word count you'd like to see in Picture Books?Thanks for posting 100Queries!
@JenniferLMeyer Most PBs should be under 1000 words! #100Queries

Literary Agent
52. Crime Fiction. I don’t rep this. #100Queries

Literary Agent
51. Literary Fiction. Pitched as magical realism, but it doesn’t sound like MR at all. Sounds like straight up science fiction. #100Queries

Literary Agent
50. Nonfiction. Not pitching a project though. The book is already published, so I’m not sure why I’m receiving this email. #100Queries

Literary Agent
49. YA Contemp. It’s set in the 1980’s for no reason. If your MS is historical, make sure it’s historical for a reason. #100Queries

Literary Agent
48. YA Fantasy. Not enough information in the pitch. Extremely short query letter (and it’s rare for me to think that). #100Queries

Literary Agent
47. Picture Book. Word count is way too long; trying to do too many things in one manuscript. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Craig Pinhey @frogspadca
@MsMariaVicente For sample chapters, should they be sequential, or from various parts of the book?@frogspadca Sequential. Only send the number of requested sample chapters. #100Queries

Literary Agent
46. MG Fantasy. Nothing wrong with the query, just doesn’t sound like my type of story. #100Queries

Literary Agent
45. PB. Concept is way too complex for ~500 words. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
@MsMariaVicente A YA query is turned down for sounding ‘adult’. Does this refer to Voice, Content, or Writing Style?@ACampbellReed Could be any of the above depending on the project. #100Queries

Literary Agent
44. YA Science Fiction. I am really picky with sci-fi, but this one sounds FANTASTIC. Request! #100Queries

Literary Agent
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@MsMariaVicente if a PB has been edited, do you want to see it again?Or a pass on the same one all together. Curious for future. #100Queries@Coffee_Is_love Only re-send if the agent implied they'd like to see future work. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Elizabeth Conte @writerdeeva
@MsMariaVicente If my MS is submitted to Editors (They asked). Should I put n a query letter? Don't want to miseald if nothing comes of it.@writerdeeva Yes, mention it in your query letter so the agent knows the history of the project. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Robert Polk @RobertPolk2
@MsMariaVicente Does a writer's speed at producing manuscripts influence your decision to offer rep on a work you may love?@RobertPolk2 Not necessarily, but a writer needs to always be working on producing new work to build a career. #100Queries

Literary Agent
43. YA Retelling. A super awesome (and original) sounding fairy tale retelling. Yes, please! #100Queries

Literary Agent
42. YA Contemporary. Doesn't explain enough in the pitch. Other than the main characters, I don’t know anything about the MS. #100Queries

Literary Agent
41. PB. I’ve seen this pitch before, and nothing seems to have changed for the writer to query again. #100Queries