Literary Agent
32. YA Contemporary — except the characters are adults. Nope. #100Queries

Literary Agent
31. MG/YA Fantasy. Crossover in these categories is rare, and not something the writer should decide. Write for your audience! #100Queries

Literary Agent
30. YA (I think). All author bio, nothing about the book. #100Queries

Literary Agent
29. Picture Book. I’ve read a book with the exact same premise, so passing by default. #100Queries

Literary Agent
28. MG Realistic. Again, not reading anything new. There’s no hook here to pull me in! #100Queries

Literary Agent
27. YA Science Fiction. Just doesn’t sound like a story I’d be interested in. Nothing wrong with the query though. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Ilana Masad @ilanaslightly
@MsMariaVicente Whoops, just saw that was about a specific query - I thought you meant in general! (which maybe is true too).@ilanaslightly The slush pile definitely goes through lulls. #100Queries

Literary Agent
26. Oh, now this one is the complete opposite: a literary novel at 200k words. Way too long for me. #100Queries

Literary Agent
25. Another novella. Nope. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
24. Could be YA or Adult, doesn’t specify. It’s definitely sci-fi (I’m drawing conclusions, since this isn’t specified either). #100QueriesIn any case, I'm not reading anything that sounds new. #100Queries

Literary Agent
24. Could be YA or Adult, doesn’t specify. It’s definitely sci-fi (I’m drawing conclusions, since this isn’t specified either). #100Queries

Literary Agent
23. Novella. I don’t rep novellas. I can’t do anything with a novella. #100Queries

Literary Agent
22. YA Fantasy. The author is over-confident. “There has never been a greater story!” sort of thing. I never believe it. ;) #100Queries

Literary Agent
21. Chapter Book. The query tells me next to nothing about the plot, mainly focused on author bio. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Christopher @hereinlies
@MsMariaVicente your bio under PS's submission guidelines suggest otherwise. Glad I saw this before I queried though, thanks for clarifying.@hereinlies Oh, I rep literary fiction... just the topic of that specific pitch wasn't my thing. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Hannah Roberts @h_m_roberts
@MsMariaVicente Are there particular elements in these MG queries that you're seeing often?@h_m_roberts In fantasy, there are a lot of "portal to another land" tropes that get repetitive. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Shanna Hughes @writerShanna
@MsMariaVicente how long does it take you to read and decide on a query?@writerShanna Agents read query letters in seconds. It would rarely take longer than a minute. #100Queries

Literary Agent
20. YA Historical. Doesn’t seem to be a reason for it to be historical, which is not what I look for in historical fiction. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
19. MG Fantasy. Nothing wrong with the query, but the concept is nothing new. A lot of MG pitches sound the same. #100QueriesIt's so important to focus on the unique elements of your manuscript in the pitch!! #100Queries

Literary Agent
19. MG Fantasy. Nothing wrong with the query, but the concept is nothing new. A lot of MG pitches sound the same. #100Queries