Literary Agent
P16: SF MG. Good writing, but the story wasn't for me--not quite playful or dark enough. Pass read: 7 pgs #100queries

Literary Agent
We made it to the end of #100Queries! Thanks to everyone who joined me this past week to get a glimpse at the query inbox.

Literary Agent
100. Crime Fiction. Another genre I don’t represent. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
99. MG Realistic. Pitch focuses on the main character being bullied at school. Which is very common in MG stories. #100QueriesAnd while the bullying topic is fine & important, there needs to be something else going on in the story to make it stand out. #100Queries

Literary Agent
99. MG Realistic. Pitch focuses on the main character being bullied at school. Which is very common in MG stories. #100Queries

Literary Agent
98. Adult Horror. Not something I’m looking for. #100Queries

Literary Agent
97. YA Science Fiction. I’ve seen this query before, and there’s no mention of changes having been made. #100Queries

Literary Agent
96. MG Adventure. This is one of those times when too many ideas are smooshed into one story. #100Queries

Literary Agent
95.YA Fantasy. Already self-published, so nothing I can really do at this point. #100Queries

Literary Agent
94. Picture Book. No query letter at all, just a manuscript pasted into the email. #100Queries

Literary Agent
93. Picture Book. No pitch. Query goes over the inspiration behind the book, but not what the book is about. #100Queries

Literary Agent
92. Literary Fiction. Pitch focuses on all the things it is not, which doesn’t help me understand the premise of the book. #100Queries

Literary Agent
91. Adult Romance. Not my area! #100Queries

Literary Agent
90. YA Fantasy. Pitch is really short (three sentences) and doesn’t even hint at what makes it different from other books. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
89. YA Contemporary. This pitch doesn’t give enough information. It sets up the characters ok, but doesn’t go any futher. #100QueriesIt's almost like the pitch is filled with backstory and not the current narrative. #100Queries

Literary Agent
89. YA Contemporary. This pitch doesn’t give enough information. It sets up the characters ok, but doesn’t go any futher. #100Queries

Literary Agent
88. Adult Fantasy. Not a thing I represent! #100Queries

Literary Agent
87. YA Thriller. The pitch is really confusing. Too much information that doesn’t link together. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
86. MG Magical Realism. I really love this premise! Some unusual things going on here. #100QueriesI’m hesitant about an aspect of the story, but I’ll request pages anyway and test it out because the premise is really unusual. #100Queries

Literary Agent
86. MG Magical Realism. I really love this premise! Some unusual things going on here. #100Queries