Literary Agent
Laura Pohl @laurampohl
@MsMariaVicente Do you pass along queries if you think it'll be a better fit to another agent at PS Literary? How does that work?@laurampohl We share a query inbox, so we can read all the queries if we'd like. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Stephanie L. Ward @StephaineWard
@MsMariaVicente Sorry, it seemed unbelievable.@StephaineWard Yeah, I'm not sure where the YA category came from. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Stephanie L. Ward @StephaineWard
@MsMariaVicente All adults, even the protagonist?@StephaineWard Yup! That's what was implied, anyway. #100Queries

Literary Agent
40. YA Historical. Doesn’t sound like a period of history I’d be interested in. Another agent will be more passionate. #100Queries

Literary Agent
39. MG. Unsure of the genre. The pitch is really confusing, and I honestly have no clue what the book is about. #100Queries

Literary Agent
38. MG Horror. Everything about this sounds delightful (in a super creepy way). Request! #100Queries

Literary Agent
Heather @momwinsagain
@MsMariaVicente are you interested in stand alone chapter books w/o series potential? Are they ultimately worth your time as an agent?@momwinsagain It goes beyond agents. Most publishers won't be interested in a chapter book if it doesn't have series potential. #100Queries

Literary Agent
I always say that following sub guidelines will put you in the top 25% of queries. #100Queries twitter.com/AdamShaftoe/st…

Literary Agent
37. Picture Book. Actually a query for 3 different books, and none of them sound like my thing. #100Queries

Literary Agent
36. Novella. Why do people keep sending me novellas? #100Queries

Literary Agent
35. YA Mystery. Great hook—pitch has me asking (good) questions. A mystery pitch that sounds mysterious is a must-have. Request! #100Queries

Literary Agent
Dana Michelle Braun @danamichelle72
@MsMariaVicente My MS is about adults who get sent back to teens. Would that make it YA? I have it as Adult Women's Fiction. #GenreIsHard@danamichelle72 It's difficult to say without knowing more details. If the themes are more adult, then stick with that. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Tyler Omoth @Tyomoth
@MsMariaVicente Better to call it "Upper MG?"@Tyomoth Yeah, Upper MG sounds much better. #100Queries

Literary Agent
34. MG Fantasy. There’s a portal to another world (an obstacle for me) and (again) the pitch doesn’t sound like anything new. #100Queries

Literary Agent
33. YA Contemporary. Sounds like it’s too issue-focused, and not in a way that the topic hasn’t been covered before. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Steve Goble Fiction @Steve_Goble
.@MsMariaVicente #100queries is awesome. Fun, instructive. Wish you repped mystery-thrillers. I'd send you one!@Steve_Goble I don't, but there are other agents at @PSLiterary that do! psliterary.com/submissions.ht… #100Queries

Literary Agent
Jacquelyn Middleton @JaxMiddleton
@MsMariaVicente My MC is 21, graduated from college but chasing her first job. Would my novel be NA or adult?@JaxMiddleton Depends on the content. NA is a Romance subgenre. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Daniel Barrett @Daneyul
@MsMariaVicente Wondering--do you reply as your doing these? Or send out the replies later, in one fell swoop? #askagent #100Queries@Daneyul Replies go out later. We have an assistant at the agency who responds to submissions. #100Queries

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
C. D'Alessandro @dalessandro512
@MsMariaVicente I am following this live- so great! Wanting to hear one of them catch your attention, and trying to determine the odds.@dalessandro512 I want one of them to catch my attention (in a good way) too! Haha. #100Queries