Literary Agent
@eisen5585 would depend on the projects! I tend to read my clients' synopses/samples & focus on the strongest writing/concept #askagent
Literary Agent
M V Melcer @MVMelcer
@mushenska Do you reply to all your subs? Checking as sent mine mid Nov. Probably too impatient... :) #askagent@word_dust I do - am hoping to catch up to Dec this week #askagent
Literary Agent
@KlaraBowPie depends on agent but unlikely #askagent
Literary Agent
Amanda Kay Bartoszek @GraceBarton2065
@mushenska If a writer asked, would an agent advise on any areas that made them reject the MS so they could look at improving it? #askagent@GraceBarton2065 it tends to be a time thing - if I have specific feedback I will offer it automatically typically #askagent
Literary Agent
Elvin Mensah @elvinmensah
@mushenska Thnx! Also, because of novels set in the UK struggling to sell in the US, would a novel set in London put you off? #askagent@elvinmensah no, specifically UK set books can def work in U.S. (Eg Girl on the Train) - plot needs to feel universal #askagent
Literary Agent
Aisha Baublesby 🎄 @aishabushby
@mushenska Thank you! Final question I promise: how many queries would you get vs. the number you take on #askagent@aishabushby I get about 600 subs a month & take on as many as I fall in love with (6 last year, 13 year before) #askagent
Literary Agent
Duncan Harding @duncanharding
@mushenska do you only sign for a specific book, or would you sign a writer who might have potential? #askagent@duncanharding I'd need to love the particular book to sign the writer, but always have one eye to longterm career #askagent
Literary Agent
So it's Friday... check out!
Literary Agent
Exactly one week from now, @NaughtyBrent & I are answering your publishing & writing questions using #asknewagent !! #amwriting #askagent
Literary Agent
For more on what to do after querying, here's my post w/Tips on Good Submission Etiquette #querytip #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Marina Richards @Marinarichards
#ASKDLG Would U take on a writer who has been repped before? Also if the novel was repped previously? Thank you!@Marinarichards to the first question, yes. To the second, depends. Hard to say. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
#AskDLG our preferences are listed on each agent page on our site
Literary Agent
@jltoman83 Don't be nervous, practice your pitch and have fun! #AskDLG
Literary Agent
averyadamms @AveryAdamms
#ASKDLG Do all MS usually end up edited and revised somewhat as it leaves you and is published?@AveryAdamms Yes, some minimally others more extensive. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
L. Seabaugh, Killer of Beautiful Things @Imaginarialist
#askdlg Can you tell what kind of person a writer is by their query & does it influence your decision on the sub material?@Imaginarialist 2/2 If interested in offering we talk, you learn a lot by talking to people. We seek talented creative writers #AskDLG
Literary Agent
L. Seabaugh, Killer of Beautiful Things @Imaginarialist
#askdlg Can you tell what kind of person a writer is by their query & does it influence your decision on the sub material?@Imaginarialist Not sure how to answer this in twitter word count allotment. We base our initial decision on writing/project 1/2 #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Adana K. Washington @adanawashington
What are some SFF books that you've enjoyed lately? #AskDLG@adanawashington This is a great question for @NobleValerie #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Jessica Toman @jltoman83
If you pick up a client and later on they write something for a genre you're not interested in. Would you still rep it? #AskDLG@jltoman83 If the writing and story is amazing we would definitely consider it. Our goal is to rep for career of that writer #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Jessica Toman @jltoman83
If you pick up a client and later on they write something for a genre you're not interested in. Would you still rep it? #AskDLG@jltoman83 depends on if I love it and think I can sell it. #AskDLG