Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
samia @ssharifbooks
#AskTBA are stories that have political issues like the Muslim Ban a no no? Does it depend on the way the writer discusses these issues?I think if you can work a political issue into a compelling, well-written book, your timing is perfect. #askTBA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Brandy meinhardt @MeinhardtBrandy
How important is formatting? Obviously 12pt. Etc, but oh they shouldn't have indented there! Type stuff. If that makes sense. #askTBAAs long as the ms. isn't a total mess, that wouldn't bother me. #askTBA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Gabriella Ienzi 🌶 @gabriellaienzi
@mollykh thanks but I meant should I rule out even querying agents who don't rep, say, young adult AND adult, or query only based on currentOhhh. Well, if you're querying a YA and you know you want to write adult one day, you need an agent who does both. #askTBA
Literary Agent
Rebecca E. F. Barone @rebeccaefbarone
#asktba as a debut, what is the max wc for non-fiction PB? I have 2 bios ~1,800 words and 1 space book around 1,000. too high?Under 1500 for bios, but 1000 seems okay for a non-fiction text. Do look to see where illos can tell story though #askTBA
Literary Agent
Maria is Depressed 😞😞 @logophile_maria
In case of dual POVs, can they be set in different timelines & places like POV of GoT but with different time & POV MCs never meet?#askTBA
Tricky, but I think that can work if done well. It all depends on how rest of story works to bring it together. #askTBA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Heaven Ashlee Pajala @telltalepage
#askTBA Is it better to send a query to an agent with a novel idea/concept in mind or a full manuscript already written?FULL MANUSCRIPT ALREADY WRITTEN. We need to know you can finish the book! #askTBA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Gabriella Ienzi 🌶 @gabriellaienzi
#askTBA should we query agents who rep current project + next ideas (if they differ), or focus only on current project?Not sure I know any (good) agents who don't want to know about future projects by a writer they're interested in... #askTBA
Literary Agent
Journey Reyes aka Journey The Author @JReyWrites
#askTBA What are your thoughts on writing collectives or duos on a project?Get a collaboration agreement. #askTBA
Literary Agent
Whitney Blair Wyckoff @WhitneyWyckoff
What are the most common pitfalls you see in a manuscript? #asktbatoo much backstory upfront, too long before the inciting incident, no primary goal for main character #askTBA
Literary Agent
Lisa Katzenberger @FictionCity
How often do you check your query inbox? Do you set aside a certain time to run through queries? #askTBAI look at mine every weekday morning before breakfast. I don't respond to all of them then, but I scan them. #askTBA
Literary Agent
Erin A. Craig @Penchant4Words
If you've got a YA retelling- should you call it a retelling for genre or stick to magical realism/historical fantasy? #askTBAThink it depends on how close the retelling. If it's loose, might call it MR/F and inspired by whatever? #askTBA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jenna Beacom @jfbeacom
#asktba I've seen conflicting advice re: query letters - "adhere to this specific form" vs. "break the mold!!" Do you have a fave resource?I like a version of this template for quick and easy reading… #askTBA
Literary Agent
maria katherine maria @kmariawrites
#askTBA what, if anything, has changed about your agenting style sense you started? What has remained the same?It takes me longer to reply to full mss. now because I have so many more clients! #askTBA