Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Flo✴ho✴ho✴illustrator @Flo_illustrator
@mollykh Your profile says "closed to submissions." So I'm genuinely, respectfully curious how it works? So many agents and publishers say they don't accept new work.I had to take a break to catch up on reading/editing client manuscripts and working through the mss. I'd already requested. I'm only closed for a couple of months, hoping to open back up in January. #askTBA

Literary Agent
K.C. Cobble @kc_cobble
Lastly, are writing styles/voices such as those found in the His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman or The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis considered outdated, or are they still relevant as long as the story is compelling? #askTBAYou mean brilliant, timeless writing? I think that's always in style. #askTBA

Literary Agent
Shelly Steig @shellysteig
If a pitch is bypassed during a contest, is it useful to cold query afterwards? #asktbaAbsolutely. I can only speak for myself, but I haven't had time to look at any contests this fall. #askTBA

Literary Agent
heidi heilig @heidiheilig
I am such a one! #asktba twitter.com/mollykh/status…I cite your query all the time! It was such a good one -- AND it felt very personal, like you'd done your research and had a reason for querying ME. Hard to pull off! #askTBA

Literary Agent
William CouldBeWriting @WordsWriteWill
@louisefury @mollykh @HeddaFlaherty @ALMichael_ For the sake of curiosity, would bullet points be easier/faster for you? Or does the writing style of the query itself enter into your decision as well?The voice is very important to me. Bullet points of your plot elements won't work for me. #askTBA

Literary Agent
MAKAYLA SOPHIA @makayla_sophia
Can you see “dead” genres breaking out again? Such as YA paranormal or YA dystopia. #askTBATrends go in cycles. Never say never but I wouldn't want to predict a time when YA PNR or dystopian fiction is all the rage again. #askTBA

Literary Agent
Melissa Tomas @MelissaTomas6
#askTBA Hi ladies of the Bent agancy, when is the appropriate time to adopt a pen name, during the query faze, or after you've been accepted?Your agent needs to know your real name. Your pseudonym doesn't really come into play until you have a publisher. #askTBA

Literary Agent
K.C. Cobble @kc_cobble
Is it encouraged, discouraged, or inconsequential to mention you have attended a writing retreat in your query? Should you name specific places/author mentors? #askTBAI like knowing those things! How you're developing your craft interests me. #askTBA

Literary Agent
Shayna Grissom @ShaynaGrissom
I'll ask because I haven't seen it yet, #askTBA. What is your #MSWL at the moment?I'm closed to queries and hope to open in January and will post a MSWL then. Right now my wishlist is just to finish reading the full mss. I've requested! #askTBA

Literary Agent
Heather Flaherty @HeddaFlaherty
@ALMichael_ I jump around. I skim the beginning of the query to get the list, pop down to the sample to see the writing, then possibly back up to the query to understand in more detail the storyline. #askTBAThis describes me pretty well, too! #askTBA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Sabina Lamarca @sabinalamarca
#askTBA Do you want comps to be in a certain time period (some want within 2 last years) or more prefer the tone of the book? Thanks for taking questions!A limit on time periods sounds silly to me. What if it's PRIDE AND PREJUDICE meets STAR WARS? Because even though I just thought of that, I'd totally read it. #askTBA

Literary Agent
Matt Leyshon @mleyshonauth
If your book is self published does that change or influence anything? #askTBAI think it depends on the genre and on how well it does. @louisefury knows more about this than I do... #askTBA

Literary Agent
K.C. Cobble @kc_cobble
Hello everyone! My question is: what is an acceptable maximum word count for a debut, high fantasy novel? #askTBALet me point you toward my favorite word count discussion of all time: literaticat.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/wordco… #askTBA

Literary Agent
Christina Beggs @Mrs_beggs
Ive had a few very kind rejections simply stating "just not for me". Is it to bold to ask for suggestions to make my next attempt stand out better? I would never expect a response, but I can't help but wonder. Also thank you to rejections, is that weird. #askTBAI get the impulse to ask, I really do. But when I'm open to submissions, I get about 100 a week. I don't have time to give feedback to anyone unless I'm interested in seeing more work from them. I wish I did! But reading subs is only a tiny fraction of my job. #askTBA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Noah Reese @Noah_Reese_
What is a trait you like to see in your clients besides the ability to craft a story? #asktbaA strong work ethic and a resilient attitude, please. #askTBA

Literary Agent
Sam Marsden @SamMarsdenNow
I sent my MS out to agents in the spring. I had 9 R&R's, but I rushed and sent the revised MS back too soon. I came close to representation but didn't get it. Since then I've been working hard on the MS and it's finding success on wattpad. Do you think I can query again? #askTBAI think so. Be prepared for some to decline to see the revision, but some might want to see it. #askTBA

Literary Agent
Alnaaze Nath👀 @alnaazenathoo
How do we feel about query letters with humour? Keep it serious or is it ok to let your personality shine through a bit? #askTBAIt depends. Are you funny? :-) I knew I would like @_becca_donnelly (and her writing) because her query made me laugh out loud. But if an agent doesn't 'get' your sense of humor, maybe they're not the right fit for you. #askTBA