Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Lisa Katzenberger @FictionCity
#askPSLA When is a good time to approach an agent/editor at a conference to say hi? After sessions the staff always seems to get swarmed.Any time! Agents are at conferences to network with writers. Just not in bathrooms or at their hotel rooms haha. #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Angela D @MeAngelaD
#askPSLA What would be an automatic request for pages when you are wading through query slush?Great writing, haha! Usually an interesting character and a fresh feeling plot #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Tonja Tomblin @tonjatomblin
#askPSLA what's the best way to query a dual-POV MS? Focus on one character and explain it's 2 at the end?focus on the connecting thread! I know query shark has a stellar post on it, search "multiple pov" on their site :) #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Connie @ConnieOReyes
Would humor essays (David Sedaris) require a platform/following to be picked up? #askPSLATypically yes, unless themed with a strong hook. #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Nadia Ali @NadiaAwriter
Maria I would love to pitch a PB but I am not an author/illustrator. Is there anytime when you accept author only subs? #askpslaI always rep text-only picture book projects. I've just had author/illustrator on my wish list recently. #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Brandy meinhardt @MeinhardtBrandy
Is it difficult to sell a a debut that is meant to be a series? (Time travel romance) and should query focus on 1st book or series? #askPSLANot necessarily, but the first still needs to be satisfying on its own. And focus on the first book! #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Saffron A Kent @SaffronAKent
#askPSLA If after reading the partial you req'd the full MS, what would make you reject it?I got bored, or it was fine but didn't stand out. For fulls the problem is often in the plot. #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Angela D @MeAngelaD
#askPSLA Is using a comp title of an author you rep in the query a turn-off?Nope, but it should definitely be accurate then! Also, if your book is TOO close I might reject bc of it #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Aubrey Leaman @ifmermaids
Is there a general platform size you as an agent look for before a nonfiction query is taken seriously? #askPSLAIt depends on the topic/field. Put together a great proposal that really sells your platform regardless of the numbers. #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Aubrey Leaman @ifmermaids
When querying for nonfiction, does mentioning active blog followers with large platforms help in the query letter? #askPSLApeople that follow you having followers, you mean? Not important at all (unless maybe a celeb promises a blurb?) #askPSLA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Lisa @LmarieWrites
#askPSLA My YA contemporary has LGBTQ mc's, but isn't a coming out story. Is this ok? Or does sexuality have to be a main storyline?more than okay! I've over coming out stories anyway #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Laura Rose Gold @LauraTheRose
What really makes a query letter stand out? #askPSLAit depends! But usually, clear concise description of book, focus on character/stakes/conflict, something new #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Yes, but it often changes before submission/publication #askPSLA

Literary Agent
J.L. Brown @AuthorJLBrown
#askPSLA How do you feel about resubmissions when the work has been completely overhauled?This is generally fine, just make sure you explain in the query what has been changed. #askPSLA

Literary Agent
J.L. Brown @AuthorJLBrown
#askPSLA How do you feel about resubmissions when the work has been completely overhauled?usually open to it, but I've never signed a project that way (yet!) #askPSLA

Literary Agent
Brandy meinhardt @MeinhardtBrandy
Should I bother querying previously shopped MS by former agent? It didn't sell to those editors so maybe it's a dead project? #askPSLAit's probably dead for now, unfortunately. Still worth keeping in your inventory, but query with new project #askPSLA

Literary Agent
J. Freeman-Coppadge @jdcoppadge
#askPSLA If I'm querying for a debut novel, should I mention other projects also in the works (2nd novel, SS collection, essay collection)?Focus on one project. Briefly mention other works if different categories/genres. #askPSLA