Literary Agent
Kelly Heinen @Aightball
#AskTKA If an agent was prev. an editor and edited someone's book (paid), can that person then query the editor-turned-agent?@Aightball I don’t see any reason why they couldn’t. Worse case, the agent would respond that they can’t consider, but I doubt it. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Jacqueline Decoteau @communalmadness
Would you consider yourselves editorial agents? #askTKA@communalmadness I think it varies among us. I’m pretty hands on editorially, but even then it depends on the writer. #AskTKA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
Which questions do you wish authors asked, but they rarely do, when considering a match with an agent? #AskTKA@KatanaPen What expectations are re: communication and how the relationship will work on both agent & writer side. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
.@knightagency is answering publishing questions today! Get yours in by noon ET using #AskTKA and we’ll respond over the day.

Literary Agent
Evelyn Shepherd @eveeshepherd
How long should you wait before following up about a full manuscript request? #AskTKA.@eveeshepherd Check the agency's guidelines. Follow up with a nudge once it's past their response time. #askTKA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
.@KatanaPen Make sure the answers resonate with you and that you feel you'll work well together. (pt 3) #askTKA

Literary Agent
.@KatanaPen But once an agent is interested, I'd ask how hands-on, how they like to communicate, what they see for your work (pt 2) #askTKA

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
Which questions do you wish authors asked, but they rarely do, when considering a match with an agent? #AskTKA.@KatanaPen A lot of research should be done before the querying stage, which will take care of some of the questions. (Pt 1) #askTKA