Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Heather Smith @SmithWriter
@FuseLiterary What's the funniest thing you've ever seen in a query letter? #AskFuse.@SmithWriter "This is the next Harry Potter." #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Marie Wallace @MarieMWallace
Trend forecast for YA and NA? #AskFuse.@MarieMWallace NA still in desperate need of branching out. Don't count out a good contemporary in YA. Diversity a plus in either. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse is it OK to submit more than one manuscript to one agent? Or should we do one at a time to the same agent?.@Coffee_Is_love It's generally not a good idea. Shows lack of focus and patience. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Amelinda Berube 👻👻 @metuiteme
Does advice against querying presses & agents @ same time extend to something like this? #AskFuse.@metuiteme Yes. That's arguably worse bc it potentially spoils a Big 5 opp w a ms that isn't ready. Read:… #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Kelly deVos @KdeVosAuthor
Do you recommend comps in queries/pitches? @FuseLiterary #AskFuse.@KdeVosAuthor Yes, as long as they're common, successful, & appropriate. And they aren't Harry Potter, Eat Pray Love, the Bible... #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Cass Morris @CassRMorris
#AskFuse #baketip: Favorite treat to bring to a Halloween party? ;).@CassRMorris Decorative gourds. They're a treat for the soul. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Lora Douglas @LoraWrites
#AskFuse should writers query using their penname, or their real name, or both?.@LoraWrites Both would be ideal so we can best research you and your work. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Nori @ReadWriteLove28
Do you ever post openings for virtual internships? If so, what type of candidate would be ideal? #AskFuse.@ReadWriteLove28 Yes, usually via social media & our blog. Follow the agent who matches your subject for notices & details. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Dustin Archibald @DCArchibald
#AskFuse I queried Sara Sciuto a while back but received no response. Does your agency have a no response is a 'no' policy?.@DCArchibald Generally, no, but we don't have a single, agency-wide submissions procedure. It varies by agent. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Dustin Archibald @DCArchibald
#AskFuse What's the current demand for MG superhero books?.@DCArchibald I'm still seeing a fair amount. Not really my genre, though. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
.@maxinepatroni Absolutely. Agents are very visible these days via websites and social media, but that's a good default if unsure. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Jade Hemming 🌌 @jadewritesbooks
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse you mentioned career planning - is that future books the author has in mind or career with agent/author relationship?.@jadewritesbooks Future books, mostly. Author/agent relationship tends to be at least touched on in the initial call. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Lisa Katzenberger @FictionCity
#AskFuse how soon after a request via a pitch party are agents willing to wait to see a MS (if the author realized it needed revision)?.@FictionCity Depends upon how timely the subject is. Pitch parties happen all the time, tho. Try not to enter until you're ready. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse what comes after getting an agent? What's the next step in the process?.@Coffee_Is_love Often times, revision and career planning. Best to have everything in order before submitting. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Laura Allured @FHornAirbender
@FuseLiterary Submitted a YA fantasy query to Laurie B4 Fuse/Forward, w/o success. Should I try now, same book, different agent? #AskFuse.@FHornAirbender If you've been querying the same ms for over two and a half years now, it's probably time to move on to the next. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
We interrupt this #AskFuse for an announcement: @AuthorTrish is now accepting queries as a #TeamFuse Assistant Agent!