Literary Agent
Carol Anne Shaw @CarolAnneShaw
What happens if no houses "bite" on the first go around when you're shopping a manuscript? #AskDLG@DustySpider We review and listen to the feedback, is there a common thread? Do we need to revisit MS? Is it market? #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Danielle Arie @DanielleArie
#AskDLGDo you consider yourselves editorial agents, and if so, to what degree/ where would you draw the line?
@DanielleArie Yes but more developmental and preparing for editors.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
Lydia Lukidis @LydiaLukidis
@NobleValerie Great! I was told agents prefer if a writer had several on the go, so I wasn't sure. #AskDLG@LydiaLukidis This speaks to wanting a writer who is looking to write long term, always having a story on the go is good.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
Dylann Crush @DylannCrush
#askDLG How involved do you get in helping a new author forge a career path?@DylannCrush When we sign an author we work closely to help build and brand, we make recommendations for supports and future goals.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
Carol Anne Shaw @CarolAnneShaw
I've heard that diary-style books (YA) have been done 2 death yet there always seems 2 B a great one hitting the shelves. #AskDLG Thoughts?@DustySpider My kids read all the latest! For me it would really have to stand out and not be a repeat of what has been done. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Lucas Pederson 👀 @pederson_lucas
Hey awesome agents! Do you see YA horror/dark fiction as a strong market? Also, what are your favorite narrative voices? #AskDLG@pederson_lucas I tend to lean to first person. YA horror/dark fiction not really my thing #AskDLG I lean to YA mystery/thriller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Dylann Crush @DylannCrush
#AskDLG How important is it to have series potential in contemporary romance these days?@DylannCrush I think that series/spin-off's are definitely hot for CR. I am asked by editors for series. Standalone works as well.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
Suja Sukumar @SujaSukumar
@DonaghyLiterary @SolaraGordon @sue_mill @NobleValerie I have subbed a YA thriller. What's the response time for a query, either yes or no?@SujaSukumar Always a yes or no. Right now we are 2-3 months due to sheer volume #AskDLG. We close Nov. 30th until Jan 4 for catch- up
Literary Agent
Dylann Crush @DylannCrush
Hi #AskDLG! Just wondering how often you offer a R&R to potential clients, if ever?@DylannCrush Not often, but when I do I am clear that this does not always lead to offer in this way writer can make informed choice #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Carol Anne Shaw @CarolAnneShaw
Do you feel is it important for your clients to have a solid online presence? #AskDLG@DustySpider I sign writers based on falling in love with story/voice, a great online presence is a bonus if author is signed! #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Elissa Dickey @ElissaDickey
#AskDLG What would you like to see in your inbox right now in adult fiction? Thanks!@ElissaDickey For me romance contemporary/ suspense and thriller's #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Emily H. Jeffries @emilyhjeffries
Other than high traffic, what catches an agent's eye about an author website? #AskDLG@emilyhjeffries I like to see a site dedicated to writing/books & not mixed with personal fam stuff. Building online brand #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Kidlit Tidbits @KidlitTidbits
In your first pass through the slush, what's your most efficient weeding technique? What should querying writers definitely avoid? #AskDLG@NewJerseyWriter Also spending time telling agent about how much money they will make agent if signed instead of actual query. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Carol Anne Shaw @CarolAnneShaw
I know there are costs to consider when including illos in a novel, but I've heard text w/ imagery is gaining in popularity. True? #AskDLG@DustySpider Yes in the right cases ie. Diary of a Wimpy Kid #AskDLG Ultimately it will be publisher's call if this is fitting.
Literary Agent
@SolaraGordon yes on Urban Fantasy. #AskDLG @DonaghyLiterary @sue_mill
Literary Agent
@SolaraGordon right now I'd love to see some YA Sci Fi. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Lydia Lukidis @LydiaLukidis
@NobleValerie Great! I was told agents prefer if a writer had several on the go, so I wasn't sure. #AskDLG@LydiaLukidis Of course everyone is different but when an author queries me, I don't wonder how many other manuscripts they have. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Lydia Lukidis @LydiaLukidis
How many polished unpublished manuscripts should we have before querying an agent? #AskDLG@LydiaLukidis Query an agent whenever you have a manuscript you feel is ready. Shouldn't matter how many more you have. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Emily B. Martin @EmilyBeeMartin
@NobleValerie What's your favorite way to celebrate a successful pitch? #AskDLG@EmilyBeeMartin I love reading a query that captivates me and asking the author to send me the whole story! #luckyagent #AskDLG