Serene Hakim
Literary Agent
reader, coffee addict, city dweller, agent at Ayesha Pande Literary @agent_ayesha , mama to two very cute kids, she/her, 🇱🇧
14 AskAgent
4 Tips
Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

Mike McHone @mike_mchone

#askAPL What are some of the things you feel sets APL apart from other literary agencies?

#askAPL We are a mission-driven agency with a focus on representing and supporting authors whose voices are traditionally underrepresented in the publishing industry. We also have a strong international focus; we're multilingual and come from all over.

Serene Hakim
Literary Agent
reader, coffee addict, city dweller, agent at Ayesha Pande Literary @agent_ayesha , mama to two very cute kids, she/her, 🇱🇧
14 AskAgent
4 Tips

Pande Literary @agent_ayesha

#AskAPL Find a job at an agency, or in another part of the publishing industry, such as a publisher or a scouting firm. Networks are crucial, so join organizations where you can meet editors and authors.…

I'll also add that you should read often and widely - get to know what books are out there, discover your own tastes, challenge yourself with new genres. Pay attention to who is publishing all these books too. It'll help you determine what type of agent you want to be #AskAPL

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

Bella Roberts @bellaanddabeast

@agent_ayesha #askapl what advice would you give to someone who wants to become an agent?

#AskAPL Find a job at an agency, or in another part of the publishing industry, such as a publisher or a scouting firm. Networks are crucial, so join organizations where you can meet editors and authors.

Serene Hakim
Literary Agent
reader, coffee addict, city dweller, agent at Ayesha Pande Literary @agent_ayesha , mama to two very cute kids, she/her, 🇱🇧
14 AskAgent
4 Tips

El Park is revising, revising, revising @EMParkAuthor

#AskAPL What role does having a twitter or other social media following play in your decision to take on a writer?

Generally speaking, for fiction, social media doesn't really factor much in my decision, if at all. Obviously a big platform helps no matter what but it's not necessary. For nonfiction, platform is much more important and social media can play a big role in that #AskAPL

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

Abigail Snyder @abigailrsnyder

#AskAPL what are some of the most common reasons you decide not to sign a book?

#AskAPL If, after talking with the author, our visions don't align for the project or if I don't have sufficient experience in a particular genre to be the best agent for that book.

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

carolyn wang is on social media hiatus @commabund

#AskAPL What is the longest you & a client have worked (either together or just the client) on a project? The shortest?

#askAPL I've worked with clients for several years and many many drafts before submitting a project. And I've sold something within a few days after taking on a client.

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

theGemmaKye @kye_gemma

@agent_ayesha @firerooster @serenemaria #AskAPL -- hey @agent_ayesha, thanks for doing this! Do you have any advice for a new author who isn't sure how to market herself / potential projects?

#askAPL Find communities of writers to support you; find mentors; publish pieces that reflect your passions and the themes you focus on in your writing; consider what makes your work distinct.

Serene Hakim
Literary Agent
reader, coffee addict, city dweller, agent at Ayesha Pande Literary @agent_ayesha , mama to two very cute kids, she/her, 🇱🇧
14 AskAgent
4 Tips

Carol L Park @CarolLPark2

#AskAPL Imagine receiving a stellar debut novel which has more than 100,000 words. If other conditions were right (ie author willing to make changes and do promo work), would you consider it?

I'd consider it if I really loved the novel and had an idea of what it needed to be a more manageable length, and if the author is willing to put in the work! It also depends on the genre and what type of book it is #AskAPL

Serene Hakim
Literary Agent
reader, coffee addict, city dweller, agent at Ayesha Pande Literary @agent_ayesha , mama to two very cute kids, she/her, 🇱🇧
14 AskAgent
4 Tips

Abigail Snyder @abigailrsnyder

#AskAPL what are some of the most common reasons you decide not to sign a book?

For me, I have to a) love it, b) have a good idea of how I want to pitch it/position it, and c) have enough time at the moment to put in the work. Without these things, I don't think I'd be the best agent for the book #AskAPL

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent
Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent
Stephany Evans
Literary Agent
Lit agent on the run. Love good food, good wine, good books, and good roads.
8 AskAgent

selena @foldandgathers

What is the most difficult part of your job? #AskAPL

#AskAPL I have quirky tastes and wide interests so getting in a project that I personally love and was glad to read, but know I won't be able to sell. 😢

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

selena @foldandgathers

What is the most difficult part of your job? #AskAPL

#askAPL Not being able to sell a project I love. I hate disappointing my clients and I am in love with every project I submit. It's the worst when I can't find a home for them.

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

Gabriella Caballero @GabriellaCabal6

#AskAPL how many clients will an agent typically have at once? Do they take on less and less authors throughout their career, as their client list builds up?

#askAPL Some agents have a lot of clients. I tend to have a relatively small client list because I focus a lot on editing. And now my clients are working on their third and fourth books so I have less space to take on new ones. But still looking!

Stephany Evans
Literary Agent
Lit agent on the run. Love good food, good wine, good books, and good roads.
8 AskAgent

Gabriella Caballero @GabriellaCabal6

#AskAPL how many clients will an agent typically have at once? Do they take on less and less authors throughout their career, as their client list builds up?

#AskAPL Due to limited bandwidth, certainly agents will take on fewer clients as their list grows - or as their list is comprised of very prolific clients who need more consistent attention.

Stephany Evans
Literary Agent
Lit agent on the run. Love good food, good wine, good books, and good roads.
8 AskAgent
Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

Vemos @vemos_Official

@agent_ayesha #AskAPL Why do African wtriters find it hard getting a literary agent? I've made submissions that never got a response.

#askAPL I'm sorry you've had that experience. It's true that writers from other countries may have a harder time finding an agent because the market for literature from other parts of the world is smaller. But there is growing interest so keep trying!

Stephany Evans
Literary Agent
Lit agent on the run. Love good food, good wine, good books, and good roads.
8 AskAgent

carolyn wang @commabund

#AskAPL What mistakes do you see beginning writers make, in terms of both their writing and how they approach publishing?

Writing: Not taking time to edit & polish before submitting.
Approach: Not getting it's a business & starting off w/ "I've been writing since I could hold a crayon" or "I've retired from 40 years in accounting and decided to write a book." Neither will help an agent sell. #AskAPL

Pande Literary
Literary Agency
Mission-driven literary agency with an antiracist focus, two dogs and a cat. Harlem-based. Tweets are from all of us. #BLM . #StopAAPIHate !
17 AskAgent

carolyn wang @commabund

#AskAPL What mistakes do you see beginning writers make, in terms of both their writing and how they approach publishing?

#askAPL 1 common mistake is querying before the project is ready. The other is not carefully researching each agent before querying them. Honor yourself and your work and take your time!