Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Mushens Entertainment
Literary agent at @MushensEnt, sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
Literary Agent
T A Newman @TANewman_says
@mushenska is re-working a novel that didn't get picked up by #literaryagents a bad idea? #askagent@TANewman_says lots of agents not keen on looking twice at a project - but you can always try different agents #askagent
Literary Agent
Ben Jammin' @Singapore_Rice
@mushenska are you open to reading redrafted manuscripts you've previously rejected? #askagent@Singapore_Rice happy to see new projects by writers I have passed on though #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Duncan Harding @duncanharding
@mushenska if a project is close, but not right, should a writer move on to something new or keep refining? #askagent@duncanharding depends on specific feedback - often I think trying something new with what you have learned in mind is good #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Shona Kinsella @shona_kinsella
@mushenska do you have a word limit for books you might be interested in? #askagent@shona_kinsella shortest book I sold 50k longest 150k - most are around 100k #askagent
Literary Agent
Gerald Von Carstein @GVonCarstein
@mushenska #askagent How important are minimum wordcounts to you and your fellow agents when looking at a genre fiction query? #SciFi@GVonCarstein shortest book I sold was 50k longest was 150k - outside of that I'd start to worry #askagent
Literary Agent
Carl Steele @carlsteele84
can you recommend any events in Europe where a writer can pitch to agents? #askagent@carlsteele84 Bloomsbury getting published days and Writer's Workshop festival of writing #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
M V Melcer @MVMelcer
@mushenska Thanks!600 subs/month??? o_o <faints> #askagent
@word_dust some are quieter than others though! #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@eisen5585 would depend on the projects! I tend to read my clients' synopses/samples & focus on the strongest writing/concept #askagent
Literary Agent
M V Melcer @MVMelcer
@mushenska Do you reply to all your subs? Checking as sent mine mid Nov. Probably too impatient... :) #askagent@word_dust I do - am hoping to catch up to Dec this week #askagent
Literary Agent
@KlaraBowPie depends on agent but unlikely #askagent
Literary Agent
Amanda Kay Bartoszek @GraceBarton2065
@mushenska If a writer asked, would an agent advise on any areas that made them reject the MS so they could look at improving it? #askagent@GraceBarton2065 it tends to be a time thing - if I have specific feedback I will offer it automatically typically #askagent
Literary Agent
Elvin Mensah @elvinmensah
@mushenska Thnx! Also, because of novels set in the UK struggling to sell in the US, would a novel set in London put you off? #askagent@elvinmensah no, specifically UK set books can def work in U.S. (Eg Girl on the Train) - plot needs to feel universal #askagent
Literary Agent
Aisha Baublesby 🎄 @aishabushby
@mushenska Thank you! Final question I promise: how many queries would you get vs. the number you take on #askagent@aishabushby I get about 600 subs a month & take on as many as I fall in love with (6 last year, 13 year before) #askagent
Literary Agent
Duncan Harding @duncanharding
@mushenska do you only sign for a specific book, or would you sign a writer who might have potential? #askagent@duncanharding I'd need to love the particular book to sign the writer, but always have one eye to longterm career #askagent