Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Mushens Entertainment
Literary agent at @MushensEnt, sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Alec McQuay @VampiricChicken
@mushenska Is swearing (within reason) a big problem? Some people seem to find bad language more taboo than sex and violence. #askagent@VampiricChicken no, I only find it annoying when done for effect #askagent
Literary Agent
Nick Hollin @vonmaraus
@mushenska hi, can I ask where you're up to with subs? #askagent@vonmaraus mid March, and feeling very guilty #askagent
Literary Agent
Cat @catrincooper
@FeathersFlames Same question from me, for curiosity. Would you consider kids books? #askagent @mushenska@catrincooper @FeathersFlames I don't right now but never say never #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Chris Tatman @ChrisTatman1
@mushenska are there works/authors writers absolutely must read that are a positive influence? Many thanks #askagent@ChrisTatman1 I am a big fan of Blake Snyder's Save the Cat. #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Feathers and Flames @FeathersFlames
@mushenska You've recently published a book on writing YA 👍but have you ever thought of writing a novel?if so what would it be? #ask agent@FeathersFlames a literary thriller about an abducted teenage girl (unlikely to ever write it!) #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@GKellyFiction so if the crime is the focus I'd concentrate on submitting that. But later down the line easier to move #askagent
Literary Agent
@GKellyFiction complicated - easier to establish you in one genre before moving to something completely different #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Becky Finlayson @beckyfinlayson
@mushenska are there any tropes/devices that are big turn-offs for fantasy novels? #askagent thanks!@Finlaysonauthor reeeeeally complicated character names #askagent