Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Mushens Entertainment
Literary agent at @MushensEnt, sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
Literary Agent
Becky Finlayson @beckyfinlayson
@mushenska is there anything specific that puts you off submissions? Eg too many adverbs, too much continuous dialogue etc #askagent@Finlaysonauthor both of those, big expo dumps my most hated though #askagent
Literary Agent
馃摎The Sewing Machine鉁忥笍 @NatalieSFergie
@mushenska Is it sensible/acceptable/polite to submit to more than one agent at the same time? #askagent@theyarnyard absolutely - I'd pick 5-10 favourites and try them all at once #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Julie Newman @julesmnewman
@mushenska is age an issue? I have heard some agents are looking for career longevity when taking on new author #askagent@julesmnewman my oldest debut is 68 & average age probably mid 40s #askagent
Literary Agent
Rosie Farrell @OxfordFarrell
@mushenska What's your favourite first line from a novel you've sold? #askagent@OxfordFarrell 'I write this sitting in the kitchen sink' is my all time fave #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Rosie Farrell @OxfordFarrell
@mushenska What's your favourite first line from a novel you've sold? #askagent@OxfordFarrell that's like asking a mother to pick a favourite child! #askagent
Literary Agent
Feathers and Flames @FeathersFlames
@mushenska have you ever thought of representing children books? I know you don't at the moment. Is that right? If so,why not? #askagent@FeathersFlames considered it but it is a market I just don't know hugely well #askagent
Literary Agent
@classicsixbooks never say never! #askagent
Literary Agent
Chris Tatman @ChrisTatman1
@mushenska does it help a writer's prospects if they tell you they have others books in mind #askagent@ChrisTatman1 no, depends on that ms itself - but in general I like to build a longterm career for them #askagent
Literary Agent
Jacquie Bloese @novelthesecond
@mushenska how long is too long for a novel aimed at high end commercial audience? Wld an m/s of over 100 k put you off reading?! Thanks!@thefirstnovel no, as long as pace doesn't lag #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
MJ Dias @thrillerMD
@mushenska should I send a debut thriller ms to an agent who has a lot of thriller clients or do you think that doesn't matter? #askagent@mdias254 send to agents who express an interest in your genre, definitely #askagent
Literary Agent
Chris Tatman @ChrisTatman1
@mushenska is there a minimum number of books you expect from a writer? #askagent@ChrisTatman1 some only write one and that's fine #askagent
Literary Agent
Rosie Farrell @OxfordFarrell
Hi @mushenska how important is it to be able to say where your novel fits in the market when submitting? #askagent@OxfordFarrell it's not be all and end all - but an idea of genre is helpful. Where would it be stocked in a bookshop? #askagent
Literary Agent
Christopher Sellers @_sellers
@mushenska Phew! Good to hear! so excited for Good Me Bad Me by the way @byAliLand thanks for answering! #askagent@_sellers @byAliLand a great book but completely different to anything I have ever read before! #askagent