Marisa A. Corvisiero
Literary Agent
Corvisiero Literary Agency
Attorney. Literary Agent at @corvisierolit . Producer. Speaker. Coach. #WriteMindset #BeKind ๐๐ฆ๐ท๐บ๐ธ๐ฎ๐นโ๏ธ๐ She/her QueryMe.Online/MAC
Literary Agent
TOMORROW, 3/9, 1p E Learn how to deconstruct your query rejections w/ @carlywatters #amquerying #querytip #amwriting
Literary Agent
The latest NY Agent Time!โฆ Thanks to @RachMBrooks @writersyndrome @Weechagirl #pubtip #querytip
Literary Agent
The latest NY Agent Time!โฆ Thanks to @DelilahSDawson #querytip #cookingforghosts
Literary Agent
#Querytip #9 All submissions require a query letter, whether it's fiction or non fiction. Even if you have a proposal. Not the same thing.
Literary Agent
#Querytip #8 Be sure to proofread your work diligently. There should be no grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting or double word issues!
Literary Agent
#Querytip #7 Do not start your letter with 'About Five Book Series' header. Just tell the agent about it in paragraph format and why 5 books
Literary Agent
Retweeted Sam Morgan (@samroebuck):
Don't do this. #querytip
Literary Agent
#Querytip #1 Remember that your query letter is an introduction and pitch for your work. It should flow like a letter & be clear.
Literary Agent
#Querytip #4 Always send your query to yourself first to double check the format. Software can be glitchy!
Literary Agent
#Querytip #6 Don't make the agent go, "Huh?" Spell it out clearly. Don't make us work hard to understand what you're trying to say.
Literary Agent
#Querytip #5 Query letter should not include links to other pages and sources. All info needed to consider your work should be in letter.
Literary Agent
David Clark @Ricevillage
@mcorvisiero Tough to do when your software acts psycho when you least expect it. Opening plain text in 5 programs= 5 different looks.#Querytip #4 Always send your query to yourself first to double check the format. Software can be glitchy!
Literary Agent
#querytip #3 Your book description should be short and sweet, and include your hook. Make us want to read it. See book jackets for samples.
Literary Agent
When writing query letters in e-mail be sure that the font is consistent, especially if you are cutting and pasting. #Querytip #2
Literary Agent
Retweeted Sarah Bailey (@SBTheRen):
great opportunity my #Canadian #writer friends #amwriting #querytip...
Literary Agent
Want a shortcut to getting an agent? Follow steps 1-5 in prior tweet, and pitch the agent at a reputable conference. ;) #querytip
Literary Agent
Want an Agent? 1) write a good novel, 2) target the right agent, 3) follow submission guidelines, 4) be professional, 5) work on platform.
Literary Agent
How to pitch a Literary Agent? First step, look at their submission guidelines. Fail to do that and your work will be declined. #querytip
Literary Agent
#querytip I'm sure you've heard this 1M times... show don't tell. In a query don't tell me the book is awesome. Show me why I should read.
Literary Agent
#querytip a cliche is a cliche either way you slice it. Stay away from old expressions. Come up with your own words to say what you mean.