Marisa A. Corvisiero
Literary Agent
Corvisiero Literary Agency
Attorney. Literary Agent at @corvisierolit. Producer. Speaker. Coach. #WriteMindset #BeKind 馃寧馃嚘馃嚪馃嚭馃嚫馃嚠馃嚬鈿栵笍馃摎 She/her QueryMe.Online/MAC
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#Querytip Know your hook! Show the reader a compelling reason for reading your story. #Queryparty @CorvisieroLit
Literary Agent
#Querytip Your query is an introductory letter to you and your work. Forge a connection w/agent, It shouldn't be a synopsis. #queryparty
Literary Agent
#QueryTip from @corvisierolit's #queryparty: Following trends and being aware of them is excellent & it should help you write some unique.
Literary Agent
#QueryTip from @corvisierolit's #queryparty: When querying fiction tell the agent the genre of the work and word count. This is a simple one
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: Having anything published will give you credibility. With short stories, the better it does and the...
Literary Agent
#QueryTip 2: Your plot should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. There should be a conflict and a...
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: We always tell authors to be sure to include their hook in the book blurb. But it is just as important...
Literary Agent
#QueryTip 7: Keep your query positive. Do not over share. Do not tell the agent that you've been pitching without...
Literary Agent
#QueryTip 6: Your first few pages - min 3 - must be the best work you can possibly put together ever. Most agents...
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip 4: Your query letter should tell the reader the genre and word count and title even if a tentative one....
Literary Agent
#Querytip 3: Brilliant writing alone will not usually get you noticed. Think about your concept and show the...
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#Querytip: Following guidelines isn't optional. They are not suggestions, they are requirements. If you fail to...