Jennifer Laughran
Literary Agent
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
I’m a literary agent for children’s books. Also a life-long bookseller. Also there’s a podcast in the mix. she/her 🏳️🌈😘 header art by @cuddlefishpress
Literary Agent
BTW, if you ever have publishing/agentish questions and want to #AskAgent: The question-box is always open:
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Rhonda Paglia @grammypags1
@literaticat Is there a best way 2 present a PB trailer? W/ music, pics, text, or pages & someone reading a bit of the story? TYVM #AskAgent@grammypags1 I'm afraid I don't have any knowledge of book trailers. I don't make them or usually watch them! #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@SeeSaraScribe if they ask, it's fine. no need to say if they don't. #askagent
Literary Agent
Neysa Jensen @NeysaJensen
@literaticat #askagent follow-up: what about a ms that includes death of family, loss of home, great personal peril?@NeysaJensen but again that is really splitting hairs, all those are basically interchangeable. It's _____ realistic fiction! #askagent
Literary Agent
Neysa Jensen @NeysaJensen
@literaticat #askagent follow-up: what about a ms that includes death of family, loss of home, great personal peril?@NeysaJensen that sounds more like "gritty"/realistic. "Edgy", to me, implies more "sex-drugs-rock n roll" #askagent
Literary Agent
Karah Sutton 🐺 @Karahdactyl
@literaticat I think what I mean is: is having a more introverted, quiet writing style befitting still considered "strong" in terms of voice@Karahsel sure - not everyone has to sound "sassy"'or whatever. It should fit the book/situation! #askagent
Literary Agent
Neysa Jensen @NeysaJensen
@literaticat #askagent I'm trying to discern the difference, if any, between YA that's "dark" and "edgy." Is there a difference? What?@NeysaJensen Those terms are used pretty interchangeably - but "dark" MIGHT mean scary/horror, "edgy" implies sexy/drugs/issues. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Lyudmyla Hoffman @LudmylaFirebird
I don't mean to put you on the spot, but can you name some titles you didn't like? #askagent @literaticat@LudmylaFirebird Haha well, I don't read books I don't like. So... #AskAgent
Literary Agent
@JessWeibley That being said - reading lots of new books in your genre is the best thing you can do. Who is publishing what, etc. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
@JessWeibley in other words - by the time you SEE a trend, that trend is probably over from an agents perspective. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
@JessWeibley remember agents are picking things up TWO YEARS before they are in bookstores - so market trends are not a big factor #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Melanie, Martian 👽 @libraryofmars
. @literaticat Did you see diary fiction in MG (specifically with doodles) maintaining its momentum? #askagent@sketchy_edu This does keep selling - but I think it'll have to differentiate itself going forward - just a diary won't cut it. #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Lyudmyla Hoffman @LudmylaFirebird
agents read a lot more than an average person,do you speed-read? is there a magical potion? secret? pure curiosity :) @literaticat #askagent@LudmylaFirebird I don't speed-read, but I am a pretty fast reader. Also, I STOP when I don't like something. Saves a lot of time! #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Liz Hanson @LizHansonBooks
@literaticat I think you are so right. Are there any writing books or writers who teach or do this well? I need to study them. #AskAgent@LizHansonBooks REAL REVISION, @KateMessner; ON WRITING, Stephen King; BIRD BY BIRD, Anne Lamott; SELF-EDITING FOR FICTION WRITERS #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Liz Hanson @LizHansonBooks
@literaticat #AskAgent Feedback on my MG is that it's a great concept, but too much narration in beginning. Help! What resources can I use?@LizHansonBooks (This is a TREMENDOUSLY COMMON problem. like, 80% of mss I see in workshops etc suffer from it.) #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Liz Hanson @LizHansonBooks
@literaticat #AskAgent Feedback on my MG is that it's a great concept, but too much narration in beginning. Help! What resources can I use?@LizHansonBooks Well, w/out reading it, it SOUNDS LIKE you are just starting in the wrong place/not getting to action fast enough #AskAgent