Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
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Ruthy Mason @R_Mason92

Half my submissions have resulted in full requests, but the only feedback I’ve had so far has been ‘great writing but not falling in love with it enough.’ Is this a euphemism, or should I keep trying and hoping someone else might love it #askagent
Replying to @R_Mason92

Sounds like you are getting close. A downer of this job is turning down manuscripts you know are good and will be published but aren't right for you as an agent. That is what prompts me to write the "I like this but I don't love it" type of feedback. #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Mark Lowes @MJLAuthor

#askagent is 61k words too short for a novel?
Replying to @MJLAuthor

61K would be regarded as likely short for a thriller but perhaps not a literary novel. #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Eilish Fisher @EilishFisher

@katenashagent Is it worth getting your MS/synopsis/query letter professionally edited before submitting? Money well spent? Thank you 🙂
Replying to @EilishFisher

You may want to work with a pro editor to help learn your writing craft but I would hope most writers are writing their own query letters. Any letter that tells me why the writer has thought I might be the agent for them works for me. #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Nikki Dudley @nikkidudley20

@katenashagent @AshaHick #askagent Can you revise and resubmit after a full ms rejection if an agent doesn't specifically say so but gives feedback you can work on? I think it's no...
Replying to @nikkidudley20

If I have invested the time to read a full manuscript I will always give some feedback but I will be explicit whether I am up for a reread. If in doubt ask the agent whether they do want to revisit. #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
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Nick Feldman @NickZG

@katenashagent So if I *do* have enough story to justify the length-- pending my editor's feedback on that-- not a big deal?
Replying to @NickZG

The issue with length relates mostly to print costs but a great story that needs its length to be told will always trump this (I hope). #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Nick Feldman @NickZG

@katenashagent #askagent how big of a deal is book being longer than 100k words?
Replying to @NickZG

The question really is, "do you have enough story to justify your word length?" In the commercial genres I work in novels are most typically 80-100K in length. #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Annabel Tellis @AnnabelTellis

Hi agents and thanks. I sent my mg novel off ten years ago when it was far from ready. It’s now completed and really topical and has a sister book too. I wonder whether agents think they’ve seen it before, do we only have the one real chance? #askagent pic.twitter.com/3I5QelsNqU
Replying to @AnnabelTellis

I have surprised writers before by telling them all about a book of theirs I read years ago they can't recall pitching to me 😂 but I would probably prefer a heads up in your submission email if I had read before so I am not struggling with unidentified deja vu. #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
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Sarah Lawton 🇪🇺 @sarahwrites80

#askagent Have you ever not placed a book at a publisher but pitched it to film makers instead?
Replying to @sarahwrites80

Specialist agents pitch books to film and television but occasionally a book comes along and actually that story breaks through first on screen. #AskAgent

Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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Kate Nash
Literary Agent
Literary agent.
223 AskAgent
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