Jennifer Azantian

Literary Agent

Azantian Literary Agency

Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q10: Adult Fantasy addressed to another agent & w/some weird personalization to me. Premise doesn't interest me. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q9: YA Horror Premise got me excited, but the writing didn't pull me in. So close. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q8: YA SF Difficult query to follow. Riddled with clichΓ©s. Not the strongest writing. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q7: Adult SF An interesting cautionary tale. Not fully polished/completed. What a shame. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q6: Adult horror. Haunted house trope. Not really my thing. Also MC is kind of mean. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q5: YA fantasy Premise is convoluted and pages are dense with backstory. I have no character to care about. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q4: NA that isn't actually NA (again). Starts right in the action and loses me completely in a confusing sequence. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q3: NA fantasy that is actually best suited for YA. Query not specific enough to excite me. Weak writing. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q2: Adult SF Unfinished manuscript. Plot sacrificed for morality lesson. Pass. #tenqueries

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips

Q1: Contemporary YA with adult voice and themes. Not what I do and length is very short. Pass. #tenqueries