Erin Casey Westin

Literary Agent

Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency

Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.

Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent

Marwa Sarraj @meowwa93

Would switching a MS from 1st POV to 3rd POV (and doing the extensive edits that requires) be a legitimate reason to re-query agents that may have rejected you the first time around or is that seen as Not Okay? #AskGZLA
Replying to @meowwa93

Unless the agent mentioned this as a potential change, they likely will have the same answer for you. Not definite!! But unless the voice changed DRASTICALLY or plot has been altered, I'd imagine this, while huge!, might not affect their view on the story as a whole #AskGZLA

Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent
Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent

Madeline Pine @Madeline_Pine

When you get a really interesting query from an unpublished author, if the queried book is part of a series rather than a standalone, does that impact your choice to ask for pages/a full at all?

Replying to @Madeline_Pine

If it's the first book in the series, no. If it's a later book, I will wonder why the person isn't querying the first book. If it's already been self-published that can make taking on the series harder BUT not impossible #AskGZLA

Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent

Steve Asbell is Stimming @rainforestgardn

@erin_michelle_C @AgentZacker Thanks! This is really helpful. I’m at the proposal stage as of right now. Does it help to get started with webcomics before pitching a graphic novel? #ASKGZLA
Replying to @rainforestgardn

It might help to give you personal experience, develop your style, and gain a following. Also then the agent can see your work in story form. BUT it's definitely not necessary and could end up being more time consuming (esp if unpaid!) if it doesn't also give you joy #AskGZLA

Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent

Erik Thurman @ErikThurman

#AskGZLA What can publishing do to make the field of agenting more accessible for young people wanting to start a career in agenting? Especially for people from marginalized backgrounds?
Replying to @ErikThurman

PAID INTERNSHIPS!!!!! Privilege is what allows young people to take internships without pay because they are supported in other ways. Most kids can't make that happen, particularly marginalized people and ESP when the internship requires transportation/relocation #AskGZLA

Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent

Marietta B Zacker @AgentZacker

@rainforestgardn As long as you've read well in that category (and either know what you're doing or are willing to learn!), then go for it! #AskGZLA
Replying to @AgentZacker

For querying as an illustrator, make sure you have examples of fully rendered pages with panels on your website. If you're only the author, I'd want a complete script. Sometimes author/illustrators can query on a proposal/partial dummy, so check agent guidelines! #AskGZLA

Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent

Ryan Ramkelawan @ryanramkelawan

What advice would you have for a writer who writes New Adult but wants to query it as either YA or Adult? Do you think New Adult will return in publishing? And do you think college stories can be in YA? #askgzla
Replying to @ryanramkelawan

Yes to college stories being YA but the voice has to hit that still maturing coming-of-age feeling. I think New Adult should come back and you shouldn't force your novel into any category. If they're new adults, own it! but be sure the agent is open to that. #AskGZLA