Alex Slater

Literary Agent

Sanford J. Greenburger Associates

Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids. Black Lives Matter. he/him.

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Valerie Lawson @litbeing

@abuckslater What projects do you have coming out that you're really excited about? #okscbwichat
Replying to @litbeing

Oh wow you guys should prepare yourself for @jblecher’ debut OUT OF PLACE and @JanaeMarksBooks FROM THE DESK OF ZOE WASHINGTON, two #mg with luminous hearts. ZOE is a good example of blending with #mystery too. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Amy Blanchard @ByAmyBlanchard

@abuckslater How important is it for a writer to have an online presence? Will that make a difference on whether an agent/publisher passes on a manuscript? #okscbwichat
Replying to @ByAmyBlanchard

No, it should not make a difference. Online presences, social media use, etc, is different for everyone, and if an agent loves your story but passes because you have 20 followers? You dodged a bullet. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Valerie Lawson @litbeing

@abuckslater Talk about how you work with an new author on getting their first book ready to be submitted - what does that process look like? #okscbwichat
Replying to @litbeing

I edit the book and we dig deeper when necessary, but I know when to step aside and bring a professional on board when the manuscript is ready. I share the submission list and rely on my clients input if they have connections too. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Valerie Lawson @litbeing

@abuckslater How would you describe your style of agenting? What does your working relationship look like with your authors? #okscbwichat
Replying to @litbeing

I keep my clients in close contact during the editorial, submission and negotiation process. My job is to find the right editor, a champion for the book, who shares our vision, and I’m there to nurture that relationship and help guide the author along her career. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Stephanie Theban @StephanieTheban

@litbeing @abuckslater Kids are so much smarter than people think they are #okscbwichat
Replying to @StephanieTheban

They know instantly if they’re being talked down to or coddled. A part of me sometimes thinks that the best children’s stories are told with no audience in mind. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Valerie Lawson @litbeing

@abuckslater What is something that STOPS you reading a manuscript? Any reds flags that will get an automatic pass from you? #okscbwichat
Replying to @litbeing

I stop reading when I see unnatural dialogue, excessive exposition, books that don’t seem to really trust the reader. Children can spot that a mile away, and it just doesn’t make for good fiction. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Amy Blanchard @ByAmyBlanchard

@abuckslater Yes—picture books that rhyme. I’ve seen a lot that suggests that agents and publishers steer clear of them.
Replying to @ByAmyBlanchard

Rhyming is more difficult because it needs to be SO perfect. In today’s market, PBs seem to be more experimental and meta, and editors are shying away from traditional. However, it’s always a matter of just finding the right team that loves the work as much as you do.#okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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gayesanders @gayesanders

@abuckslater Do you read the query letter first, or pages first? What is most important to you in a query letter? #okscbwichat @litbeing
Replying to @gayesanders

Definitely query letter. I’m like a catcher waiting for the pitch. The most important thing is that the query poses a question that I need the answer to. The only way to get the answer then is to read. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Jennifer Sneed @JenSneedWrites

@abuckslater @litbeing #okscbwichat Curious to know - are most GNs created by author/illustrators or do you find some that are author only?
Replying to @JenSneedWrites

Right now most are author/illustrators. However I am working on projects that are text only, and a search for the right illustrator-the next member of the team-is on going. That’s to say, it varies. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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gayesanders @gayesanders

@abuckslater What is the thing that will catch your eye first? Is there a secret ingredient that makes you keep turning the pages? #okscbwichat @litbeing
Replying to @gayesanders

A voice that’s confident, clear, unique, alive. I look for characters who I NEED to spend more time with, either because how they see the world is irresistible or their story is too engaging to ignore. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Valerie Lawson @litbeing

@abuckslater Talk to us about Graphic Novels! What are your faves? What are you looking for in a submission? #okscbwichat
Replying to @litbeing

Definitely looking for an engaging story that takes full advantage of the medium. Having a comics platform is also very attractive. My fav GNs are THIS ONE SUMMER, ASTERIOS POLYP, NIMONA and more #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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gayesanders @gayesanders

@abuckslater What is your favorite thing of being an agent? #okscbwichat @litbeing
Replying to @gayesanders

Being the first to read a project before any one else. I always loved the idea that agents have to find and nurture talent. It’s a big responsibility and I cherish it. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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Alex Slater @abuckslater

@litbeing Sure! I’ve been a #kidlit agent with @Trident_Media since 2014 but started as an assistant in 2010 and worked my way up to Foreign Rights Agent after that. #okscbwichat
Replying to @abuckslater

I love middle grade and YA and graphic novels in both categories. I rep contemporary, fantasy, and am always eager to read new stories from diverse writers hoping to inspire young hearts. #okscbwichat

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
132 MSWL
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