Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Holly Poe @hollypoewrites

What are editors asking for in middle grade? #TMGTalks
Replying to @hollypoewrites

More and more editors are asking for #MG fiction that addresses "tougher" issues, and are not shying away from themes that #MG novels of the past may have avoided. #TMGtalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Studio620D @studio620d

@Trident_Media #TMGTalks When looking for a literary agent, is it better to self-publish first/simultaneously, or send a query and garner interest in reading the manuscript? Thanks!!
Replying to @studio620d

It all depends on how and why you want to publish. If traditional publishing is your aim, I would suggest NOT self-publishing. Send a query and find the agent who is as passionate as you are into turning it into print. #TMGtalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Dana Pringle @danapringle72

@abuckslater #TMGtalks When browsing the Query slush, in the world of fiction, what is grabbing you and slamming you against a wall? Does it have anything to do with a writer's background details or simply how the story description is crafted?
Replying to @danapringle72

I like queries that start with a question, either literally or figuratively. They ask: What if...? What if X does Y? Etc. It grabs me if it feels fresh and inventive. Then, I'll jump to the end of query to review the bio, but for me, it's always story first. #TMGtalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Dana Pringle @danapringle72

@abuckslater #TMGtalks Good Afternoon! Thanks much for taking my question. As an unpublished author, do I have a chance of obtaining agent representation if my first book has a follow-up?
Replying to @danapringle72

Hi! I'm a bit unclear on the question, but I think the answer is you always have a "chance" of finding the right agent, and if your book has a sequel or is the start of a series, research agents who sell those types of projects, for an even better chance. #TMGtalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Petula🇧🇧🇺🇸 @aluteprellim

What's the best thing about being in publishing in 2017 and the near future? In other words- what great changes have you recently seen or are expecting? #TMGTalks
Replying to @aluteprellim

In the children's market, it's watching and participating in a literary landscape that's both slowly and finally striving for inclusivity, diversity, and honesty in the stories being told and who gets to tell them. #TMGTalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Tiffany Daune 🧜‍♀️ @TiffanyDaune

@abuckslater If a WIP is currently leaning toward YA, but could be adjusted to MG without losing the magic of the story, would you recommend this for today's market? #TMGTalks
Replying to @TiffanyDaune

Hi Tiffany! I think this varies project to project. #YA and #MG are separated by more than just age ranges. If it's currently leaning YA, I would follow that instinct, and then reassess after some betareads and revisions. #TMGTalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Replying to @JoyRossDavis

It's true that trends come and go. My honest opinion is that since paranormal has been cooler than in years past, it's only a matter of time until the pendulum swings back, which I think it will. #TMGTalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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J. R. N. Martin @africanraingod

#TMGTalks What needs to go in a good query letter?

Model your query letter off of the backcover copy of your favorite books. It should be succinct, alluring, and very easy to digest. Use attention-grabbing words. Read it aloud to find the flow. Tell us a story we'll beg to hear more of. #TMGTalks #querytip

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Nancy Johnson @NancyJAuthor

Which books have you read this year that you wish you had represented? 😀#TMGTalks

I think the #MG debut SEE YOU IN THE COSMOS by @jackcheng was one of the most beautiful books of the year. I highly recommend it as a study in structure. #TMGTalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Monica @ChessmoreMonica

#TMGTalks Is it true that chapter books are typically work-for-hire projects and therefore not pursued by most agents? Wondering if I should expand my CB manuscript into MG.

It's tough to make a general statement about a whole category of books, but I will say this - I don't typically seek out chapter books because of how rarely I hear editors asking for them. #MG on the otherhand, is very much in demand #TMGTalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Carrie Ann Matthews @misscarrie_ann

My story is written from two points of view, but 2:1, meaning, 10 chapters= protagonist, 5 chapters= antagonist, should I being mentioning that in my query? #TMGTalks #askagent
Replying to @misscarrie_ann

I don't think the ratio is as important as making clear what it is about these characters, and their story, that will stand out. Make that clear, and mention the multiple POVs, and keep it at that. #TMGTalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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Petula🇧🇧🇺🇸 @aluteprellim

I'm still new to crafting a synopsis and was curious, is it as important to agents as the query or are you more likely to forgive the format of a synopsis? #TMGTalks

Your synopsis should be succinct and broken down by Act, usually, but personally, yes - the query is more important. I won't ask for the synopsis unless that initial query letter strikes me. #TMGTalks

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
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M. Von @thewritesky

@abuckslater What do you see a lot of in your YA subs, and what would you like to see more of? #TMGTalks

I'm seeing a lot of #YA fantasy, and while the genre is evergreen for the age group, what I'd love to see more of is horror. #TMGTalks