Sharon Belcastro

Literary Agent

Belcastro Agency

Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips
Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q9 Not interested in a child who falls for an older man. Immediate delete. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q8 Starts with word count, subgenre, title and comp titles. Very helpful. Followed by very short summary but covers what we need to know. Unique story idea. Will definitely read. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q7 Starts with word cound and genre (good) but then goes into all the themes and topics it covers. Nothing noting who or what the story is about. Pass @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q6 Starts with word count, subgenre (very helpful) and title. Brief summary that includes character, his goal, motivation and major obstacles he has to overcome to achieve. Brief bio. No fluff. Perfect query. Looking foward to reading. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q5 Starts by noting our interest in screenplays. We don't represent screenplay. Pass. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q4 Full synopsis and first three chapter attached per guidelines (perfect). Notes title, genre (perfect) but not market. Like to know if its adult or YA. Also includes word count (perfect) but it's over 200k. Way too long for the genre. Must pass. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q3 Starts with why query was sent to us. Followed by short but concise summary of story. No bio but that is ok at this point with me. Just wish chapters were attached per guidelines and not pasted into email. Still a good query. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q2 - Starts with how author found us followed by title, word count. market, and genre. Then jumps right into a summary of the story. Ends with a bio outlining related credentials. Perfect Query.

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#QueryTip #TenQueries Q1 - Email itself is completely blank with 3 attachments. Let us know what your story is about in the email itself with a 250-350 word summary so we know if we want to dig into the synopsis or sample chapters. @belcastr

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips
Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 9: YA query letter fabulously crafted and a really unique concept. Jumped right into first three chapters but the POV makes me feel like I'm looking down on the protagonist and not in the story with her. pass.

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 8: Story sounds super cute but we don't represent picture or chapter books. pass

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 7: Much ado about what the novel contains, where it is set and what it promises but nothing about what it is actually about. pass

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 6: Very vague and general description. Not much clue as to what the story is actually about. pass

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 5: Mystery / suspense. Good concept but first three chapters are all backstory. Not entirely sure what this protagonist has to fear. pass

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 4: An intriguing thriller with a unique hook. Well crafted query letter. Definitely got my attention. First three chapters just don't deliver on the thrills I had hoped to see. Pass.

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 3: YA Horror. Would love to see more YA horror submissions. A very nicely written query letter. Clear and concise. Protagonist is a bit young for YA and story reads a bit more on the middle grade side. Pass.

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 2: YA Fantasy. I do love my YA fantasy. Great comparable titles. Kudos for a great hook line. Sounds like it's full of some great conflict and adventure. Just doesn't sound different enough to stand out among the competition.

Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips

#tenqueries 1: Pitched as a romantic suspense with a promise of danger and intrigue with dash of humor and quirk. Very Janet Evanovich. Another painful pass. Very up my alley but humorous romantic suspense is a tough sell.