Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q10: MG fantasy. Hits a lot of my buttons. Sounds very funny/heartwrenching. Cool (never before seen) magic system, lots of adventure + friendship. And sports! Request! #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q9: Historical fiction. This covers a time period that's been done to death and doesn't have a new angle. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q8: Chapter book. #ownvoices. I think it's a very important topic and this feels accessible to young readers. Request! #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q7: The letter is very vague (only 1 paragraph). No stakes, goals or motives defined. The topic is also not terribly exciting or fresh. Pass #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q6: YA urban fantasy featuring demons. Paranormal is hard for me and demons/devils are, for the most part a no-go. Pass. #tenqueries.

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q5: YA fantasy. Plot description feels as if I've been dropped in the middle of the story. I'm not grounded in the world. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q4: Adult sci-fi. Imaginative, but far too complicated/confusing. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q3: Adult sci-fi. This is not a new concept and the plot is really bloated. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q2: YA fantasy. This is a close one as it sets up a cool world and a good quest, but I'm finding parts confusing. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q1:YA fantasy. Good comps, but not enough plot info. What are the stakes? Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

It's a quiet, gloomy afternoon and the perfect time for a #tenqueries! I've now reviewed all queries through 10/1 with 29 marked for further review.

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q10: YA Rom Com. I'm on the fence because the premise feels familiar. But the author has some credits and other good ideas. Reluctant request. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q9: Another #DvPit YA fantasy. OMG, you guys! This one is so good! Cool magic, clear stakes, good comps and based on a little explored myth. Request!!! #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q8: #DvPit YA fantasy. Begins w/rhetorical questions, which is unnecessary. Still, this plot sounds really original w/a cool magic system and good comps. Request! #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q7: PB text. I currently am only accepting subs w/illustrations. There is also too much description. In PBs, the illustrations would take the place of all this description. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q6: Another rhetorical question in the first paragraph. Don't ask what would happen if...instead, just tell me what actually happens in your story.Not sure of the genre, though I think MG fantasy? Plot is too confusing. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q5: Starts with a rhetorical question (don't do this! It only takes up unnecessary space since you'll need to answer your own question anyways). Not sure what format this is, though the age group (7-11) is stated. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q4: MG Fantasy. Needs a bit more grounding in the world, but it reminds me of 2 favorites, Harry Potter and Sarah J. Maas in plot and tone (but for MG). The voice feels right too! Request! #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q3: MG Fantasy. Word count is too short and though it's an original idea, I'm not connecting with the plot which feels too young. Pass. #tenqueries

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Q2: #DvPit YA. Really cool premise. The letter focuses too much on the author and has barely any summary. Still, I'm intrigued. Request! #tenqueries