Rachel Brooks
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
Agent at BookEnds Literary Agency @bookendslit. Cat mom. She/her. Query form: QueryManager.com/RBrooks

Literary Agent
Ina Shkembi @Ina_Shkembi
#BookEndsChat If your story is told in 2 POV's is it easier to have the query be in just 1 of them? My 2 POV query kept getting rejectedI would not be writing your query in any character's POV period. And then just mention it is told in dual POV in the query. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Kirk Kraft @KAKraft
IRT YA or MG fantasy do you prefer to be dropped into the action or see a little worldbuilding first? #bookendschatI personally find being dropped right in action pg1 I don't know who anyone is, whats going on, why should care/root for, etc #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Blake Reichenbach @mbreichenbach
#BookEndsChat I'm curious if there are resources you'd recommend to learn more about the ins and outs of the business side of publishing? pic.twitter.com/32RxNWHoM5The industry section of publishingcrawl.com/resources/ is a spot that springs to mind #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
VickiPugliese @VickiPugliese
@RachMBrooks @Sarahbethfinnie What usually does happen, if the book doesn’t get a deal?Depends on agent/agency. Whether they work book by book or more long-term, if you both still think you're a fit, etc #bookendschat

Literary Agent
@BookEndsJessica #BookEndsChat do you work with the author to polish things up or do you want it to come in pristine?Should be polished. Then it likely gets another coat of polish w/ agent. Then more coats w/ your editor after you get a deal. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Kristin Kisska @KKMHOO
#bookendschat Besides a gripping pitch, what kind of writer credits do you hope to see from debut authors? Short stories? Awards?I care more about the premise, execution, and marketability of the novel than awards or short stories. Having 0 is fine. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Sarah Finnie @Sarahbethfinnie
During “the call” what question(s) do you wish writers would ask? #BookEndsChatEditorial vision for ms. Communication style. What does agency agreement look like. What happens if book doesn't get deal. #bookendschat

Literary Agent
D.K. Brantley @WriteBrantley
I ask because I fear mentioning it in a query will make it appear I'm not confident in the book as is. #BookEndsChatYou could phrase it like this book would pair well with illustrations and I'm open to including art to make it stand apart #BooKEndschat

Literary Agent
Christina Herrera @CHerrera122116
@RachMBrooks #BookEndsChat What are some key things to look for in a contract with a lit agent?Talk with friends with agency agreements, make sure nothing red flag or not industry standard. That you can leave if unhappy. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Jay Sandy @JWillisSanders
#bookendschat When choosing a client, how important are previous publications compared to their current work in your hand, with more coming?I'd want to know your previous sales #'s, so I know whether we have an extra hill to climb because of poor sales #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Verity Black @iamverityblack
#BookEndsChat If I've sent a query and then do a major rework on my ms before hearing back, is it rude/good idea to let the agent know?I'd want to know so I don't waste my time reading the old one. #BookEndsChat