Laura Zats

Literary Agent

Headwater Literary Management

Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit. Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast. Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

#querytip: writing to fill a hole in the market often means you're late to the party. Books sell to pubs 2-3 years before they go on sale.

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

Pretty good rule of thumb on #query requests: if we don't state we want a MS inline (esp if over 50 pgs), we want an attachment. #querytip