Literary Agent
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t actually need to affix the copyright symbol to your work for copyright to exist! #pubtip #publishinglaw
Literary Agent
Let’s talk about copyright. The copyright to your book/ creative work/ song etc. should always be in your name! Unless you are writing something as a “work for hire” or ghostwriting, make sure the copyright is in your name. #publishinglaw #pubtip #writetip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
Here's a HUGELY useful longform nonfiction-writing #pubtip from FOLLOW THE STORY by @JamesStewartNYT: when you're delivering your book's elevator pitch, do you use the word "about?" As in: "it's a book about trees?" If so, there is probably something wrong with your pitch. (1/2)"About" is a red flag word. It usually means you're conceptualizing your book as a topic (the existence of a thing) vs. a story (a propulsive and transformative journey of self-evident value for the reader). "Isn't it neat that x exists" isn't a book.
Readers love an author who puts a book out every six to eight months. Longer than that and you run the risk of losing them to the millions of other authors producing more. #PublishingTruth #QueryTip
#Publishing truth: Readers love a prolific author. If your sales are lagging and you only have one to two books out, that could be why. Keep #writing! #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
How to Write the Perfect Query Letter… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Quick #querytip!
Please make sure that whatever email address you're sending your query from, you will retain access to no matter what.
Ex: sometimes folks send from their work email, to later leave the job. Then there's no real way for us to get in contact.
Literary Agent
Query Tip: Want your query to stand out? Your subject shouldn't just say "Query." Because those emails get combined together w/ the others w/ the same subject. Try this:
TITLE by NAME (GENRE) or follow submission guidelines regarding subject if given
#writerscommunity #querytip
Literary Agent
Manuscript Word Count. The golden number is 85K to 90K words for adult books. Digital work is often shorter. Science fiction and Fantasy may go up to 120K. Genres for younger readers like YA MG etc get shorter as the reader gets younger. #Querytip #WritingCommunity @CorvisieroLit
Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka 😁Please follow directions. If you don’t meet the requirements for this round, just wait. Don’t do this. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
This is your friendly reminder to make sure you have accepted all changes in your document and deleted all comments before sending it out. 😬
#Querytip #amquerying #amwriting
Literary Agent
My query box is officially open again! Please be sure to take a look at my MSWL, and I can't wait to see all the lovelies! ❤️
#amagenting #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: One of the first things I do in my editorial work is a pass for market sensitivity. If you're using ableist language, removing it is something you can do to save everyone a bit of time down the line. I suggest my authors consult this resource: