Literary Agent
If an editor or agent req a ms at a conference, don't take too long to submit, or it may not be what they're looking for any longer. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Just got a query with "fwd" in the subject line. Nope. #querytip #QueryFail
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
"Crafting a Novel’s Pitch: 7 Tips + GIVEAWAY!" Guest Post by @ChuckSambuchino #MondayBlogs #pubtip
Literary Agent
#PubTip = published authors clearly list conference attendance on your website. Great example = @JasonMHough here:…
Literary Agency
Got burning questions for literary agents? Ask on the Q&A session:… #askagent #querytip #writetip #pubtip
Literary Agent
Rachel Brooks @RachMBrooks
I've said this before: passes are nothing against YOU. Most of YOU are lovely. If your book is not a fit, it's not a fit. #querytipAgents get passes too when editors say no. Editors get passes when an author goes with another publisher. We all have to move on! #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip Hook agent by grabbing hold of emotions and making us curious. #evokeemotions #curiositygotthecat 😺
Literary Agency
Trying to get ahead of the slushpile at KC&A? Take our @WritersDigest Bootcamp course:… #askagent #writetip #pubtip