Literary Agent
Same goes for word count, interestingly; if a novel is unusually long or short vs. others in genre, it's usually a story problem. #querytip
Literary Agent
I ask for a synopsis not just b/c it's quicker to read; it's also a great indication of whether author grasps genre expectations. #querytip
Literary Agent
Goal of a query: to put yourself and your work in the best possible light. Don't ever apologize for your writing or your bio! #querytip
Literary Agent
Here's your regular reminder that for fiction you should only be querying with finished work. Be ready to send the full that day! #querytip
Literary Agent
Personalized rejections take me a lot of extra time, and are a sign that you are very much on the right track. #querytip
Literary Agent
Morning appointment was serious high-level ADULTING, but quicker than expected. I'm reading queries now; some #querytip(s) may follow.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
.@NathanBransford on "How to know when to leave your agent" #pubtip…
Literary Agent
We agents talk to one another. And use our research skills. Just an FYI if you think you're sneaky. #notsosneaky #querytip #pubtip
Literary Agent
Your query/manuscript should probably be well written with as perfect grammar & spelling as possible... #querytip #writetip #JustSaying
Peter Senftleben @gr8thepeter
What's at stake in your book? Are they high enough for readers to care? Does your #query accurately convey that?So important! No matter what you're writing, high stakes are crucial. #pubtip…
Literary Agent
Inside Traditional Publishing: A Tale of Two Authors (A Cautionary Story) via @HuffPostBlog @KarenDionne #pubtip
Literary Agent
Example of successful fantasy opening pages = RADIANT by @ksumnersmith (today's Kindle Daily Deal) here:… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Example of a successful fantasy query = FALLS THE SHADOW by @stefaniegaither original query here:… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Example of successful fantasy query = THE DAEDALUS INCIDENT by @mikemartinez72 original query here:… #pubtip