Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
An agent's perspective on Twitter pitch parties:… via @LisaAbellera #askagent #PitMad #pubtip #querytip #writetip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ready to promote your work? Here are 20 smart & simple publicity ideas for writers:… #publicity #pubtip
Literary Agent
Opened 2 subs already self-pubbed. Self-published=published. Done. Over. Looking for unpublished work. #slushpile #agenting #pubtip
Literary Agent
Just want to clear up a myth about subs: Courier font is NOT required. Those Mad Men days are over. #pubtip #querytip
Literary Agent
5 Real Reasons Literary Agents Are So Darn Picky #MondayBlogs #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@jaromyh @Renee_Nyen Yes, although aim to list comparable titles published in the past 2-3 years. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Please don't send a follow-up query moments later HIGHLIGHTING a typo. You know I may have missed it, right? #querytip #yougottahavefaith
Literary Agent
Friendly reminder: Writers, looking for help crafting a hook & a great page? I'm teaching a class 6/30! #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Melissa Ann Singer @maseditor
sub I opened this morning is full of edits. remember to send a completely clean file, not just a "final" one. +Double check the review tab in Word that "show all markup" is on so this doesn't happen to you. #writetip #querytip…
Literary Agent
It's important to actually read and understand your emails. #querytip #writetip #SentAndReceive
Agents and authors: Editors love to be let in on thoughts for Book Two before the writing starts. #pubtip