Literary Agent
Q14: From #pitmad. Was hoping for romance. Instead got F too light for my list, #500queries
Literary Agent
Q13: From #pitmad. YA C F. Not hooked. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q12: From #pitmad. R that feels a little like Gina Showalter, but is WAY too long and disjointed. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q11: From #pitmad. YA C like if BREAK had a baby with a Rainbow Rowell book. I'll bite! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q10: From #pitmad. Amazing concept, but book is already self-pubbed and query is in MC's POV. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q9: From #pitmad YA horror that is very old school. Intrigued and request! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q8: From #pitmad. YA C. Definitely diverse in religion, which is something I'm missing in my list. Request! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q7: From #pitmad. I really, really hate when queries are from the POV of the MC. Auto no for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q6: From #pitmad. F/F romance (woot) but at 50k, much too short (boo). Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q5: From #pitmad. Lighthearted C Romance, but doesn't quite have that spark for me. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q4: From #pitmad. YA C. Might not be quirky enough for me, but has the potential to make me cry-laugh, so I'll give it a shot. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q3: From #pitmad. YA C thriller. Sounds good, but I'm not grabbed by it, so pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q2: From #pitmad. YA C with fantastical elements. Kind of has the potential to be a bit allegorical a la BABADOOK. Request 3 ch. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q1: F about elementals, plus the prose felt clunky, which makes me scared for the book. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
#500queries starts today! Every weekday for the next 5 months, look for 5 tweets about EVERY SINGLE QUERY I get. Let us begin!
Literary Agent
Writers! Look for a new #500queries from me beginning January 4th! I will be tweeting every single query I get. Are you excited? I am!
Literary Agent
And Zats all, folks! Thank you for joining in on my #500queries!
Literary Agent
Q500: SF MG. Sounds great, but not in my specific wheelhouse. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q499: dystopian. No thanks! #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q498: Romance. Sounds good, but just not fitting my list. #500queries #everyquery