Literary Agent
Q54: Angels. No. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q53: Guys. GUYS. Either submit to agents or small publishers. Not both at the same time. It makes the whole process complicated. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q52: From #sffpit. Para R. Gritty, tattooed heroine (yes!), but has vamps, and I can't sell those. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q51: Adult fantasy. Might have been interested, but with F, I need more info about a MC to hook me, and this didn't have it. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q50: Sweet, first-love style romance. I'm looking more for steamy, experienced romance. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q49: While it doesn't sound bad, YA about "bros" is not a good fit for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q48: But for real though. PLEASE give us a glimpse of who your MC is in your query. We can't become invested otherwise! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q47: one line query, mass email. No. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q46: A proven weight loss system! How novel! *ba dum tss* #500queries
Literary Agent
Q45: YA C. Not totally sold on how the query is written, but the hook has me interested enough to take a deeper look. Request. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q44: MG C. A little straightforwardly precious for my taste, I think. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q43: Witch book, but know nothing about it—query was 6 lines long and had no plot. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q42: MG w/ folktale and magical realism elements. A bit short, but I'll still take a look. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q41: YA romance. Meh. I need a hook in there! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q40: Punk vampires! Still a no. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q39: Vampires. *sighs wistfully* someday... #500queries
Literary Agent
Q38: C R, but felt like all formula and no spark. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q37: Author has great credentials, sent a query with 0% about the book. *headdesk* #500queries
Literary Agent
Q36: Demons, magical schoo—snore. None of these catch my fancy any more, I've had so many. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q35: Over 35% of query was WHY author wrote book, rather than telling me about the book. Pass. #500queries