Literary Agent
Q497: More heaven/hell books. Yawn. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q496: YA romance. Not my jam. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q495: I'm not the person at the Sofa to come to for military SF. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q494: So sick of greek myths in YA. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q493: Well-intentioned and vaguely offensive query trying to be diverse. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q492: YA F. Diverse, non-western, and super awesome. REQUEST! #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q491: supernatural MG. Not too exciting. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q490: a novel based on you life with only "slight embellishments" is not a novel. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q489: 100k MG. No. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q488: Hist YA. Not usually my favorite, but this one was quirky and had great comps. Request. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q487: Beginning a query with "unlike anything you've ever read" is always going to get you a rejection. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q486: YA. Sounds awesome, but is a little too close to something I already rep. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q485: F with a western religious bent. I'm not looking for a Christian god/angels/heaven/hell #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q484: adult fantasy. Too short, and didn't excite me. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q483: retelling, but didn't grab me. Pass. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q482: C YA. Meh. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q481: Query with no category, genre, or wordcount. Pass. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
Q480: Present tense only works for me if I don't notice it. I noticed it here. #500queries #everyquery

Literary Agent
#500queries ends on Friday, but I'm not disappearing! I'll be giving tips with the #pubtip hashtag instead!

Literary Agent
Q479: YA F. Kind of kiddish. Not dark enough for me. #500queries #everyquery