Literary Agent
Q261 legal thriller, good synopsis, writing OK but not quite grabbing me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q260 humorous mystery, great opening line for query but sounds wacky and no sample. :( #500queries
Literary Agent
Q259 query for 2 prev. published bks. query spends most of time telling me what's wrong with submission guidelines/publishing. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q258 WF/romance. too romance-y for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q257 speculative fiction with religious and astronomical elements? Not for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q256 psychological thriller, starts with a dream and then describes room. Not for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q255 family saga, very masculine, shifting POVs, not my taste but not bad. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q254 WF, sounds like cross betw Possession and Bridges of Madison Cty. Not grabbing me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q253 WF with scifi overtone. Scifi elements can work in literary sometimes. Writing not wowing me enough to overcome SF. P. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q252 mystery, Italy, marital drama. Another comp to Perrotta, but also to Jess Walter, which seems more apt. Prologue could go. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q251 mystery with reincarnation. not for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q250 novel with religious overtones. not for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q249 lit fiction set during WWII. I've had my fill of that era, alas. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q248 thriller? an actual SCOTUS justice is a character. confusing. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q247 fantasy. don't rep it. #500 queries
Literary Agent
Q246 teleplay. I don't rep those. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q245 crime fiction, a bit melodramatic. no query per se, just attached synopsis and writing sample in msg. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q244 quirky fiction, good synopsis, good 1st scene, then moves fwd 20 yrs and loses me. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q243 literary fiction, writing too poetic and abstract for my taste. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q242 traditional PI mystery, 30K words, too short, stakes too low for me. Pass. #500queries