Literary Agent
Q221 quirky crime fiction, vivid world, but character POV keeps shifting. Can't connect. Pass #500queries

Literary Agent
Q220 sci fi/horror. Not repping those. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q219 commercial fiction, feels like something I've read before. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q218 lit fiction. It's historical, but the setting is what's drawing me in. Magical. Reminds me of 1 fave bk from 2012. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q217 paranormal, sounds like romance. Not my thing. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q216 light women's fiction, OK, just not grabbing me #500queries

Literary Agent
Q215 WF, relatable woman, feels a little too much like real life for me. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q214 novel written in email format, WF, kind of sassy but not sure where it's headed. requested partial. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q213 workplace satire, not bad but not quite for me. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q212 mystery, OK synopsis, but sample isn't great. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q211 WF, don't care for the writing. Comp'd to a fave writer, I think to try to grab my attn. Nothing like his work. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q210 mystery, OK writing, not pulled in. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q209 feels like something I read before, 1970s fiction turned into movie. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q208 WF, don't care for the voice. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q207 mystery. implausible plot points, character shady from beginning, so protag must be blind to it because she's hot? Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q206 mystery, way too many coincidences. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q205 thriller, writing not great. Pass #500queries

Literary Agent
Q204 mystery, takes on famous case in a diff way. James Ellroy already did this, so was hoping for something completely new. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q203 mystery, doesn't follow sub guidelines. sequel to 2 previous bks, pub (Amazon) hasn't responded to new ms. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q202 historical fiction set in 830AD extinct civilization. Not my thing. #500queries